Adamant: Hardest metal
Monday, March 17, 2003

Manifiesto PROVEO #2

Propuesta de programa de restructuracion nacional

Bosquejo del programa:

  1. Reforzar la seguridad personal y comunitaria a nivel nacional. Reorganizacion inmediata de los cuerpos policiales y fuerza Militar.

  2. Despolitizacion de las instituciones nacionales ( sistema juridico y legal, electoral, educacion, salud, DIEX, etc.)

  3. Erradicar de forma inmediata y definitiva los grupos armados de civiles al servicio del ejecutivo. Extraditar los grupos infiltrados en los organismos del estado, traidos del exterior para tales fines.

  4. Reforma inmediata del Codigo Organico Procesal Penal.

  5. Implementacion de un programa de patrullaje y presencia militar constante en las fronteras.

  6. Reformular la politica economica, acabando con la politiqueria pseudo-socialista populista. Esta comprobado que dichos programas no han producido ningun resultado positivo en cuanto a la erradicacion de la pobreza en ningun pais del mundo, al contrario han introducido un fenomeno peligroso: la proliferacion de la corrupcion desmesurada en todos los niveles, producto directo del estado todo-poderoso y clientelista.

  7. Revisar completa y profundamente todos los programas de educacion y erradicar de ellos, todos los aspectos que se refieran a "catequismo politico", como actualmente sucede. Iniciar una campaña de educacion de facil acceso y comprension para todos los sectores en materia politica, economica e historica.

  8. Reconstruir PDVSA, restituyendo en sus funciones a todo el personal tecnico/ejecutivo. Despido inmediato de personeros del gobierno y personas ajenas a la industria.

  9. Reactivar y modernizar la economia en base a la libertad absoluta, eliminando el intervencionismo del estado y las leyes de trabajo obsoletas.

  10. Reformular la politica exterior. Eliminar relaciones y compromisos que van en detrimento de los intereses de la nacion con paises pronunciadamente marxistas y autoritarios (lease Cuba).

  11. Recuperar la confianza y respeto a nivel internacional de aquellos paises amigos que constituyen un ejemplo para la Venezuela democratica. Recuperar la confianza de los inversionistas nacionales e internaciones, ofreciendo un marco legal y juridico que garantize la seguridad y estabilidad de sus inversiones.

  12. Implementar un programa de erradicacion de la pobreza y analfabetismo.

  13. Enjuiciamiento y prision para los autores de crimenes de lesa humanidad.

  14. Eliminar el uso y abuso del nombre de Bolivar y los ideales Bolivarianos que han sido vilmente desvirtuados con fines politicos totalmente opuestos a las enseñanzas del Padre de la Patria.

(Dejo campo para que agreguen mas puntos.)

Silvia Perez.

Esta propuesta fue enviada desde Venezuela por una de esas personas que luchan dia a dia por el pais. Su caracter democratico es evidente, si tienen alguna sugerencia por favor envienla a
Nota: Proveo en su afan por promover la busqueda de soluciones y alternativas a la crisis venezolana esta tan solo facilitando la divulgacion de ideas. Todas las ideas son bienvenidas y seran publicadas. Les agradeceria que trataran de mantener sus sugerencias al respecto lo mas concisas posible y que mencionen si desean que sus nombres sean publicados.

where is raed? v2.0

with new BILINGUAL flavour ie. sorry about those wierd characters, but you really should have installed that Arabic OS if you have seen Raed today please tell him Salam Pax is still looking for him.

Back to Iraq 2.0 The Pitch Hi there! Thanks for stopping in. I'm Christopher Allbritton, former AP and New York Daily News reporter. This summer I went stumbling around Iraqi Kurdistan, the northern part of Iraq outside Saddam's direct control, looking for stories. (Some might call it "looking for trouble.") Well, now I want to go back in time for the war. So I'm asking your help in supporting independent journalism! Send me back to Iraq to report on what's happening.

A convoluted conspiracy - From the Devil's Excrement

Whenever one source tells me something, I just process the information and leave it at that. When two sources tell me the same thing, I begin to wonder and look for confirmation. But when three different and reliable sources give me the same information. I use my long standing argument that I do not believe in coincidences. Well, three different sources have given me, in the last three days, the same information about a conspiray that appears so clever at first sight that it may actually be true. Cesar Gaviria, who has been in Caracas since November,has only left for Christmas and once or twice to attend to his responsabilities as Secretary General of the OAS, but this time has left on purpose. Basically, he believes that his presence in Caracas essentially has stopped the Governemnt from uncontrolled and illegal or undemocratic behavior. This week Gaviria left for one week, reportedly to take care of OAS businesses in Bolivia. Well, what I am being told is that the true reason was to see if in his absence the Chavez administration does something that would allow Gaviria to go on the international offensive against the Chavez administration and help push forward negotiations. I am told that even Colombian President Uribe is part of this convoluted conspiracy to press for a negotiation towards an end to the Venezuelan political crisis. True? False? I simply don't know, but we will se if anything happens in the next few days anyway.

Venezuela is ready to boost oil output CARACAS:

Venezuela is currently producing more than three million barrels of crude a day and is willing to increase output in case of a war with Iraq, Energy Minister Rafael Ramirez said yesterday.

The Venezuelan oil industry had all but collapsed during a two-month strike that ended on February 2, causing severe concerns on international oil markets ahead of a possible war with Iraq.

"We are back at more than three million (barrels per day)," Ramirez told state-run VTV television.

"We have maintained our production capacity of 3.4m barrels per day intact. This is something that is available," he said.

The minister said that Venezuela would abide by any decision by the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries to increase output if war breaks out in Iraq.