Adamant: Hardest metal

After the 2-month national stoppage … what is happening in Venezuela?

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Thursday, June 05, 2003 By: Oscar Heck commentarist Oscar Heck writes: The Venezuelan Confederation of Trade Unions (CTV), the Venezuelan Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (Fedecamaras), the privately-owned Venezuelan TV (RCTV, Venevision, TeleVen, Globovision) and print media (El Nacional, El Universal, Tal Cual, etc.),  white collar PDVSA unions Gente del Petroleo and the Venezuelan Council of Bishops (who often side and support the elite) all ... fully or partially ... backed the 2-month "El Paro" stoppage which began the first week of December, 2002 and dragged on to about mid-February 2003.

El Paro actions included the sabotage of PDVSA equipment, PDVSA employees not showing up to work, employee lockouts by business leaders, partial bank stoppages, attempted school shut-downs, extensive marches and demonstrations (some violent), blockage of major highways and thoroughfares, hoarding and speculation, and a massive anti-Chavez media campaign.

Their hope was that the El Paro would bring Venezuela to a complete standstill ... forcing either the ousting of Chavez or his resignation.  The El Paro failed dramatically, leaving Chavez with stronger support and leaving the Venezuelan economy in shambles.

(Note: The El Paro was mostly supported by the middle-to-upper classes which account for about 20% of the Venezuelan population).

In a general sense, the supporters of the El Paro, were/are unhappy with the democratically-elected government’s attempt to approve and implement much needed reform laws in the agricultural, banking, health, education, commerce and other sectors … e.g., passing and application of anti-hoarding/speculation, anti-monopoly laws and land reform.

Traditionally, Venezuela is “controlled” at almost every level (including the justice system) by a corrupt mafia-like elite that has also apparently backed and financed the massive ongoing anti-Chavez advertising and slander campaigns. All the “groups” mentioned above are commonly referred to as “the opposition,” although they are often not well inter-coordinated.

The El Paro culminated with the "Firmazo" in February 2003 (a massive opposition-led signature collection campaign asking for the resignation of Chavez, the dissolution of the National Assembly, the abolishing of reform laws ... and more).

The Firmazo has not been recognized as valid since it was done without going through the legal channels. About 3 million not-yet-fully-verified anti-Chavez signatures were apparently collected, representing between about 25% of the legal voting population of almost 12 million. The opposition is presently in the process of trying to organize the steps necessary to convoke a legal referendum asking for the resignation of Chavez.

Legally, this referendum can occur any time after mid-August, 2003 and appears to be a complex task. Unfortunately, the opposition as a whole (which has also been plagued by infighting) had been convinced that Chavez would have been ousted by now and had neglected to properly (and legally) organize themselves for a possible referendum … meaning that by the time they get organized, the referendum will take place later than the previously expected date of August 19, 2003.

Now, after all this mess, El Paro, El Firmazo, the sabotage of PDVSA and the ongoing anti-Chavez media campaign, what is happening?

The CTV is losing ground and attempting to halt the creation of a new “union central” ... the UTV.

The CTV appears to be going broke as well.

The CTV, according to the many people I have spoken with during my Venezuelan travels, has never done anything for the “laborer.”

The CTV, whose role should be to protect the interests, well-being and fair treatment of workers, sided with Fedecamaras wholeheartedly during El Paro in support of the employer-dictated lockouts which left thousands of workers jobless and payless.

Now, the CTV wants to retain its role as supporter of the worker?

From what I have seen, the CTV is simply another elite-operated mafia, whose president, Carlos Ortega, is a common without-conscience criminal. I believe that the CTV will (and should) dwindle away to little more than nothing in the near future. Let’s hope that the new central labor movement (UNT) will truly look out for the best interests of the Venezuelan workers who have traditionally been mistreated by the Venezuelan elite-controlled corrupt business leaders/managers and their monopoly-mafia-like practices (threats, coercion, bribery, etc.).

Note: Carlos Ortega, president of CTV, is apparently in Costa Rica and travels regularly to Miami. Carlos Fernandez, president of Fedecamaras is apparently in Miami and enjoys vacationing in Aruba. Now, in apparent desperation, the CTV is bringing up the subject of the “extravagances” traditionally (and often illegitimately) practiced by Venezuelan business leaders and managers, and that they should curb such practices!

Very strange.

The CTV has, for the last many months, entirely backed the Venezuelan business sector and its criminal activity (illegal lockouts, sabotage, death threats, etc.).

Why now?

Perhaps they are scared that the Venezuelan workers can finally exercise their rights to “not believe” that the CTV has a role in enhancing their lives, especially after thousands of its members lost their jobs due to the CTV-backed stoppage, El Paro.

After El Paro … what else is happening in Venezuela?

Now, the chamber of private schools is talking about a reduced number of students attending their schools and a reduced capacity to pay for tuition.

Now, they, who also supported El Paro and El Firmazo, are suddenly feeling the side-effects of their implication in the attempt to paralyze Venezuela! This is no surprise, and can only be blamed on themselves and on the opposition as a whole.

This got me to thinking about the barrio where I live in while in Caracas. The barrio is part of an anti-Chavez opposition controlled municipality. The barrio has a population of about 400,000 where there are only two elementary schools and no high-schools. Many of the people from this barrio are “forced” to pay to send their children to private schools outside the barrio … using their hard-earned-minimum-wage-salaries to try to give their children a better future. (Not to mention that the barrio children studying at private schools outside the barrio also have to pay daily bus fares!).

I asked the people in the barrio why no more schools have been built since Chavez has been in power (it was unthinkable for any more schools to be built before Chavez). Their answer was simple … the mayor of the municipality is completely anti-Chavez and wants to make sure that no new schools are built.

So, who suffers?

It appears to me that two elementary schools for a population of about 400,000 is not enough.

I also wonder at times if the owners of private schools in Caracas are also in cahoots with the local mayors and government officials. That is, keep the number of public schools to a minimum, thus supporting a flourishing private school industry with kickbacks.

Could this be possible?

Maybe the owners of some (or many) private schools were (in the past) also in cahoots with top national government officials. Note: As in most countries, public school teachers in Venezuela are underpaid … which does not help the situation overall.

After El Paro … what is happening in Venezuela?

Many people have been left jobless and payless … mostly the near-minimum-wage earners, the workers and laborers.

Who suffers now?

Mostly, these jobless Venezuelans are pro-Chavez. Mostly, these Venezuelans are those who have to work relentlessly (unlike what the upper classes believe) “just to survive”, having little or no extra time or money to pay tuition at private schools or to enjoy vacations or travel to Miami, Aruba or Costa Rica.

Luckily, the Chavez government has started several “small business loan” programs, opening the doors to workers for a possible better future, which could make them less dependent on “having to work for minimum wage” under the stranglehold of the conventional “boss.”

Oscar Heck

Why exactly should Venezuelan exiles be allowed to vote?

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Thursday, June 05, 2003 By: Dawn Gable

Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 01:29:40 +0000 From: Dawn Gable To: Subject: exile vote

Dear Editor: I don't understand. Why exactly should exiles be allowed to vote?

I was born in California. But then I lived in Michigan ... I was not allowed to vote in California elections while I lived in Michigan. In fact, I cannot even vote in the next county over. I vote according to where I live on issues that directly and immediately affect where I live.

There are reasons for this:  One, Californians do not want to have to live with the consequences of what Michiganders might vote for (say a nuclear waste dump in the central valley of California). And two, the Michiganders would be free of the consequences of their votes. Talk about NIMBY (not in my back yard) chaos!

I believe that US citizens abroad can vote in US federal level elections ... but I don't know about those who have given up residential status. I'm sure those who no longer pay US taxes may no longer vote in the US.

I know that Mexicans living in the US are not allowed to vote in Mexico's Presidential elections via absentee ballot even if they are still Mexican citizens and still legally considered residents of Mexico.

  • Cuban exiles are definitely not allowed to vote in Cuban elections (and YES they do hold elections in Cuba).

I guess I always thought that the right to vote was something you earned by being a participating member of your community, state, and/or country.

Why should those who abandoned their country be allowed to take part in the decision making process.

Why should they have any influence over the daily life that they refuse to participate in.

Not to mention: I am sure those living abroad are not paying taxes to the Venezuelan government on earnings they are making abroad. This is a requirement for US citizens living abroad.

Dawn Gable

Foreign Policy In Focus: USA and Latin America after 9/11 and Iraq

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 By: Coletta Youngers

FPIF Policy Report by Coletta Youngers: From Chile to Cuba to Mexico, Latin American countries united behind Washington in the wake of the September 11 attacks. The Organization of American States (OAS) issued a declaration stating, "Individually and collectively, we will deny terrorist groups the capacity to operate in this Hemisphere. This American family stands united." Yet despite this overwhelming show of solidarity, the Bush administration has largely turned its back on its Latin American allies. Most disturbingly, it is unilaterally waging war against its own Latin American "axis of evil" -- the Colombian "narcoterrorists," Cuba's Fidel Castro, and Venezuela's Hugo Chavez -- with little if no effort to take into account the concerns of Latin American leaders, reach regional accords, or engage the OAS.

Yet another country was added to the "axis of evil," according to conservative Representative Henry Hyde (R-IL), with the election of Luiz Inacio ("Lula") da Silva in Brazil. Upon taking office, Lula pledged to eradicate hunger in the region's largest country ... a far greater threat to most Latin Americans than international terrorism, prompting Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez to proclaim an "axis of good."

US policymakers have long considered the tri-border area of Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay a hotbed of Arab radicalism, concerns fueled by bombings carried out by Hezbollah in Argentina in 1992 and 1994.

The 2001 State Department report on terrorism still refers to the region as a "hub for Hezbollah and HAMAS activities, particularly for logistical and financial purposes," concerns echoed again in the 2002 report. Arab populations in Latin America are now under close scrutiny by US intelligence officials, raising serious civil rights concerns. However, alleged terrorist activity in this area of the world pales in comparison to other US global priorities. In short, Latin America is near the bottom of the US anti-terrorist agenda.

The one exception is Colombia. Home to three groups on the US State Department's list of foreign terrorist organizations and the 3rd-largest recipient of US military aid in the world, Colombia remains the centerpiece of US counter-terrorist efforts in the hemisphere. In the post-September 11 worldview of most Washington policymakers, the distinction between terrorists and drug traffickers operating in Colombia and other places has been obliterated. "Terrorism and drugs go together like rats and the bubonic plague," proclaims US Attorney General John Ashcroft. "They thrive in the same conditions, support each other and feed off of each other." The United States has consequently collapsed its anti-drug and counter-terrorism efforts into a single offensive.

US Policy Toward the Region

Across Latin America, a general malaise has set in due to the never-ending and escalating economic crisis, deep-rooted corruption, and the inability of democracy to truly take root. Years of following Washington's prescribed free-market economic policies have not only failed to pay off, the region has moved backward -- poverty has increased, privatizations have led to rampant corruption and often skyrocketing prices for basic services, and inequality is worse than ever. The combination of economic and political instability can be deadly for weak governments, as was so brutally illustrated in the protests in Argentina in December 2001 that brought down the de la Rua government. Yet the Bush administration's response to the Argentina crisis is symbolic of its present approach to the region. Like an angry father, Treasury Secretary Paul O'Neill scolded Argentina and suggested that it get its own house in order, and the rest of the Bush administration largely adopted a similar tone. Not even the surprise victory of former president Carlos Menem in the first round of voting in presidential elections--or his quick withdrawal weeks later -- provoked significant comment from Washington foreign policymakers, almost single-mindedly focused on the occupation of Iraq.

The trend toward disengagement with the Latin American region evident since September 11 has been exacerbated in the wake of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq. Tensions are likely to increase as well; Latin American leaders across the political spectrum opposed the US administration's actions in Iraq, for ideological or economic reasons. The economic impact on the already fragile region is likely to be devastating, as already evident in increased gasoline prices.

Moreover, the Bush administration has made clear that it now favors those few neighbors who joined the "coalition of the willing." Because of their prominent roles in the UN National Security Council in opposing immediate military action, Chile and Mexico in particular have borne the wrath of Washington. In explaining the recent delay in moving forward with the free trade agreement with Chile negotiated last year, US Trade Representative Robert B. Zoellick said that "people are disappointed… We hoped for their support in a time that we felt it was very important." Mexican President Vicente Fox has also faced growing hostility from hardliners in the Bush administration, which went so far as to cancel this year's festivities to celebrate Cinco de Mayo, a prominent Mexican and Mexican American holiday.

The present situation stands in stark contrast to President Bush's stated intentions upon assuming office, when he promised to develop a special relationship with Latin America and with Mexico in particular. Encouraged by Mexican President Vicente Fox and fueled by the desire to capture more of the Hispanic vote at home, the Bush administration began moving in the direction of a radical reform of US immigration policy, which could have significantly reshaped not only US-Mexican relations, but US-Latin American relations more broadly. All of this, however, was derailed by September 11.

US policy toward the region in the wake of September 11 has largely returned to the "rollback" framework adopted by the Reagan administration at the height of the cold war. Latin America is viewed as a region where "terrorist" threats are to be eliminated, particularly in the tumultuous Andean countries and communist Cuba. As such, the region is viewed not as an opportunity for constructive international engagement, but as a threat. This strategy was unleashed full-force in the wake of September 11. Speaking of Colombia, Representative Henry Hyde (R-IL), chairman of the House International Relations committee went so far as to warn that "three hours by plane from Miami, we face a potential breeding ground for international terror equaled perhaps only by Afghanistan. The threat to American national interest is both imminent and clear."

  • Nonetheless, since September 11, very little engagement by high-level US officials -- with the occasional exception of Colombia -- has occurred.

The Bush administration's approach departs somewhat from that of its predecessor. While the Clinton administration also adopted a get-tough approach to "narco-terrorists" and dramatically increased US military involvement in Colombia, it at least rhetorically limited the mission to counter-narcotics and paid lip service to the Colombian peace process. More broadly, it placed greater emphasis on multilateral mechanisms and regional consensus-building in approaching conflict situations and issues such as the environment that are not on the Bush administration's radar screen.

Greater continuity is evident in the pursuit of US economic interests, despite the recent setbacks in Chile. Both the Clinton and Bush administrations have pursued free trade agreements to ensure US economic dominance of the hemisphere and to promote US business interests. The Bush administration also views the region as a source of oil and oil profits. In both Mexico and Venezuela, it has encouraged changes in legal and constitutional restrictions on foreign investment in domestic oil production and has sought to increase imports to the United States. Mexico has responded cautiously to such overtures, while Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has repeatedly rebuffed them.

The Venezuela Debacle

Indeed, the Bush administration's first major foreign policy debacle in the region took place in Venezuela as a result of an apparently military-led coup against President Chavez. Several days of business and labor protests in that country culminated in a massive march on April 11, 2002 in which unidentified gunmen killed at least 18 people. Chavez' foes moved against him later that night, taking Chavez prisoner and announcing his resignation from office. Business leader Pedro Carmona was asked to head the unconstitutional, military-installed government. Carmona's rise to power, however, was short-lived. Within two days, Chavez ... who claimed never to have resigned ... was back in the presidential palace.

In stark contrast to most Latin American governments, the Bush administration immediately accepted the illegitimate Carmona government, issuing an unusually undiplomatic statement on April 12 that blamed Chavez for his own fall.

US involvement in the coup attempt itself is not at all clear; however, it does appear that the administration had decided that Chavez had to go.

As the 4th-largest supplier of US crude oil to the United States, Venezuela has been an obvious target for US hegemonic designs, particularly in light of Chavez's preferred policy of cutting production to keep prices high. Moreover, Chavez had angered many in Washington with his overtures to "rogue" rulers in Iraq, Libya, and particularly Cuba.

Months prior to the coup, a steady stream of Venezuelan opposition leaders made their way to Washington, many with the support of the National Endowment for Democracy, the Center for Strategic and International Studies, and right-wing think tanks. They met with a range of US officials who, while maintaining opposition to an outright coup, likely made it clear that they would very much like "Chavez to go away," ideally via a constitutional maneuver ... a strong message of support for some sort of action was sent.

The Bush administration's quick embrace of the short-lived Carmona government was criticized across the region, providing "Latin Americans cause to wonder," according to analyst David Corn, "if the United States is continuing its tradition of underhandedly meddling in the affairs of its neighbors to the south."

It also sent a dangerous message about the weak US commitment to democratic principles. The US stance toward Chavez, as well as interventions in electoral campaigns in Nicaragua, Bolivia, and Brazil in favor of or in opposition to particular candidates, sends the very clear message that Washington supports electoral democracy -- as long as its candidate wins.

President Chavez, however, has weathered the political storm to date. He emerged victorious from the 2-month work stoppage in December and January, having shown his ability to hang onto power and maintain significant popular support. Divisions within the opposition, on the other hand, were accentuated by its failure to oust the president. Venezuela's future remains volatile, but it is increasingly likely that Chavez will indeed make it to the end of his presidential term.

Castro's Cuba

The impact on the Bush administration of Chavez' relations with Cuba's Fidel Castro cannot be underestimated. The appointment of Otto Reich as President Bush's first Assistant Secretary of State for Latin America was widely interpreted as a payback to the conservative, Miami-based Cuban-American community for its support of Bush in the Florida recount, as well as "pay-forward for their continued support in the 2002 gubernatorial and congressional elections."

A Cuban-American and former lobbyist for Bacardi, Reich has strong ties to that community.

Despite growing support on Capitol Hill at the time of Bush's inauguration for a reform of US policy toward Cuba, the Bush administration adopted a firm commitment to the US economic embargo and to continued isolation of the Cuban government, with no significant policy change likely in the foreseeable future.

In an explosive speech before the Heritage Foundation on May 6, 2002, John Bolton, under secretary for arms control and international security, went even further, bluntly stating: "The United States believes that Cuba has at least a limited offensive biological warfare research and development effort. Cuba has provided dual-use biotechnology to other rogue states." He also noted that Castro had recently visited Iran, Syria, and Libya, all states designated by Washington as sponsors of terrorism. Administration officials frequently repeat a statement allegedly made by Castro on his visit to Iran that operating together, Iran and Cuba could "bring America to its knees." Bolton offered no evidence to support his assertions of biological warfare, which were quickly deflated by former President Jimmy Carter's historic May 2002 trip to Cuba. Carter said that he was told by US officials that "there was no evidence linking Cuba to the export of biological weaponry," and while in Cuba, he was given complete access to the country's biomedical facilities.

These sorts of accusations take on greater urgency on the island now that the Bush administration has illustrated its willingness to take pre-emptive military action against its perceived enemies. Though Cuba has not yet made it into the "axis of evil," there are certainly those within the administration who would like it to be there. "To Castro," notes scholar William Leogrande, "who has been the object of US efforts at regime change for 44 years, this is ominous."

This -- combined with the country's growing economic crisis and hence increasing popular discontent -- likely explain Castro's harsh actions of late. In March, 75 people -- including political dissidents, journalists, and human rights activists -- were arrested, essentially charged with treason and given sentences ranging from 6 to 28 years. Then, in April, the Cuban government executed three individuals accused of hijacking a ferry to flee to the United States. The Washington Office on Latin America, the Center for International Policy, and other leading NGOs active in the Cuba debate widely condemned these actions. Ultimately, Castro's recent moves play into the hands of administration hard-liners seeking to further restrict US policy toward Cuba.

The Colombian Quagmire

The US government is seeking to expand its hegemonic reach across the Andean region, driven in part by the political and economic instability of all of the Andean countries and the potential for "spill-over" of the Colombian conflict into bordering countries. Otto Reich, later named special envoy to the Americas, likes to point out that if the so-called narco-guerrillas were to "ever gain control over larger parts of Colombian territories, I think there is no doubt that they will take their business, which is narcotics and terrorism, to other countries." In short, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) have become the Al Qaeda of Latin America.

As noted, three of the 28 groups listed by the State Department as foreign terrorist organizations are in Colombia: the FARC, the National Liberation Army (ELN), and the right-wing paramilitary coalition, the United Self-Defense Groups of Colombia (AUC).

In 2001, more kidnappings took place in Colombia than any other country in the world. According to the US State Department's most recent report on global terrorism, between 1980 and 2002, the FARC killed at least ten American citizens and three more remain unaccounted for. The threat to US operatives in Colombia has received widespread press attention since three Americans, civilian contractors, were captured by the FARC last February, after their plane crashed in southern Colombia. Two other crew members, an American and a Colombian, were apparently killed by the rebels. All told, five American civilian contractors have been killed in Colombia in 2003.

Former US Ambassador to Colombia Curtis Kamman sums up: "The terrorists who operate in Colombia have not explicitly declared the United States to be their target ... but their political and economic objectives are incompatible with our values, and they could ultimately represent a force for evil no less troublesome than Al Qaeda or irresponsible forces possessing weapons of mass destruction."

US interest in Colombia began long before September 11 ... in the name of the war on drugs, the US government provided Colombia with $1.7 billion as part of "Plan Colombia."

However, in the wake of September 11 and congressional acquiescence to combat terrorism abroad in virtually any form, the administration moved quickly to expand the mission in Colombia to provide direct counterinsurgency assistance and intelligence. It requested for fiscal year (FY) 2003 almost half a billion dollars in aid to Colombia, 70% of which is for the nation's military and police forces.

A central component of the expanded mission would protect US oil interests in Colombia. The administration intends to provide $98 million for the army to protect the Cano Limon-Covenas pipeline, operated by the California-based Occidental Petroleum and carrying oil for export to the United States. While details of the plan are still sketchy, military officials at the embassy confirm that US advisers plan to train three well-equipped 100-man army units "to act as rapid deployment forces" when guerrilla forces attack the pipeline. The pipeline, to be protected by what the Bush administration has dubbed the "Critical Infrastructure Brigade," provides Occidental Petroleum with profits from 35 million barrels of oil a year, for which it pays about 50 cents per barrel in security costs. The cost to the US taxpayer amounts to $3 a barrel--in short, a rather hefty taxpayer subsidy for Occidental Petroleum.

The US Military Fills Political Vacuum

Colombia is not the only country in the region subject to expanding US military might. As the Pentagon and the State Department bicker over who should take the lead for constructing democracy in post-war Iraq, the US military has already become the unofficial yet uncontested force behind US foreign policy much closer to home. The US Southern Command (SOUTHCOM) -- with well over a $100 million budget and more staff dedicated to Latin American issues than the Departments of State, Commerce, Treasury, and Agriculture combined -- has stepped into the vacuum created by a distracted congress and an otherwise preoccupied administration to impose its Latin America agenda on US and regional policymakers. By distorting the debate on terrorism, SOUTHCOM is encouraging Latin American militaries to take on greater roles in the internal affairs of their own countries.

From Capitol Hill to Miami to Montevideo, SOUTHCOM Commander General James Hill has been sounding the alarm about potential terrorist threats in the hemisphere. According to Hill, "Narcoterrorism is spreading increasingly throughout the region. Narcoterrorist groups are involved in kidnappings in Panama, Venezuela, Ecuador, and Paraguay. They smuggle weapons and drugs in Brazil, Suriname, Guyana, Mexico, and Peru, are making inroads in Bolivia, and use the same routes and infrastructure for drugs, arms, illegal aliens, and other illicit activities."

In reality, his alarmist language appears to be a thinly veiled attempt by SOUTHCOM to stay relevant in an age where security threats are largely found outside our hemisphere. By equating crimes like money laundering and human trafficking with terrorism, Hill is trying to open the door for the regions' militaries to take a more active role in domestic law enforcement. That door is already half open. Unlike in the US, in most of the region militaries are not clearly prohibited from domestic police and intelligence work. In his regular visits with Latin American civilian and military officials, Hill even advocates that laws and constitutions be changed to remove already weak restrictions on military participation in law enforcement.

Human rights and other progressive NGOs strongly oppose US efforts to encourage the region's militaries to take on larger internal roles. The last time the US government did so, military dictatorships cropped up all over the region -- and the people of Latin America are still struggling to recover from the horrors of those abusive regimes and to overcome the corruption engendered by governments lacking transparency and accountability. Latin American governments are struggling with many serious problems, including poverty, inequality, corruption, impunity, and human rights abuse. Effective civilian institutions, not the military, should respond to those problems.

A Political Alternative?

The shift in US policy toward Colombia coincided conveniently with changing political winds in Colombia. As the faltering peace process embarked upon by former President Pastrana finally collapsed and FARC violence escalated, Colombians voted overwhelmingly for hard-line candidate Alvaro Uribe, who promised to wage all-out war against what he calls terrorism by armed groups. Quietly backed by right-wing paramilitary groups, Uribe, as expected, has not taken significant action against either their attacks on civilian populations perceived to be supporting the guerrillas or the elements of the military that support them. Since taking office in August 2002, he has steadily sought to roll back civil liberties and human rights protections in the name of his domestic war on terrorism.

Yet in embarking upon a purely military strategy, Uribe risks repeating the failed strategies of the past. Nearly four decades of civil conflict have shown that the war will not be won on the battlefield. Each day that a political settlement is postponed, dozens of Colombians are killed, disappeared, or internally displaced. While there is no quick-fix to the conflict, the two fundamental pillars of any long-term solution are a political accord and socioeconomic development programs that address the underlying causes of violence.

For its part, Washington should take a cold, hard look at the long-term implications of its decision to slide down the slippery slope of direct involvement in Colombia's brutal civil war. As aptly noted by Republican Congressman Ron Paul (R-TX), "I can't conceive of us sending tens of thousands of soldiers down there. But we are down there because we are determined to get involved in their civil war, and it could become a little Vietnam."

Washington needs to adopt a dramatically different approach to Latin America, one that turns around the asymmetrical balance of power between the two and incorporates Latin American viewpoints into US foreign policy. Were they to do so, US policymakers would quickly recognize that the greatest threat to hemispheric peace and security is persistent poverty and inequality. Poverty elimination and the provision of economic assistance -- in a way that allows countries to determine their own economic and development policies -- should be the centerpiece of US policy toward Latin America and the Caribbean. Perhaps most importantly, the challenge for US policymakers is to move beyond containing and rolling back perceived threats and work instead toward the construction of a common vision of what could be: a hemisphere united around shared prosperity, respect for basic human rights, and citizen participation in democratic government.

Coletta Youngers is a senior associate at the Washington Office on Latin America and a member of the Foreign Policy in Focus Advisory Committee. This policy report is a revised version of an essay that appears in the Foreign Policy in Focus book Power Trip: US Unilateralism and Global Strategy After September 11 edited by John Feffer and published by Seven Stories Press. You may email Coletta Youngers at


Letter to President George Bush by House International Relations Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, 27 October 2002, in which he refers to Cuba, Brazil and Venezuela as a potential "axis of evil" in the Americas.

US Department of State, 2001 Patterns of Global Terrorism, p. 48.

Nancy Dunne and James Wilson, "Colombian Rebels Indicted," The Financial Times, March 19, 2002.

Michael Shifter, "A Shaken Agenda: Bush and Latin America," Current History, February 2002, p. 55.

Paul Blustein, "Trade Accord Becomes a US Foreign Policy Tool," The Washington Post, April 29, 2003.

Peter Hakim, "Bush's Game of Revenge," The Los Angeles Times, May 11, 2003.

Author's interview with Jason Hagen, July 16, 2002.

William E. Gibson, "Plea for More Military Aid to Colombia Met with Doubt," Fort Lauderdale Sun-Sentinel, April 12, 2002.

Michael T. Klare, "Global Petro-Politics: The Foreign Policy Implications of the Bush Administration's Energy Plan," Current History, March 2002, p. 104.

David Corn, "Our Gang in Venezuela?" The Nation, August 5/12, 2002, p. 27.

Ibid., p. 26.

Author's interview with Rachel Farley, August 13, 2002.

Judith Miller, "Washington Accuses Cuba of Germ-Warfare Research," The New York Times, May 7, 2002.

Audrey Hudson, "Officials insist Carter not briefed on Cuban arms," The Washington Times, May 15, 2002.

William M. Leogrande, "Castro's Iron Fist Suggests a Brittle Grip on Power," The Los Angeles Times, May 9, 2003.

Harold Olmos, "US: Colombia Needs Free Trade," Associated Press, July 9, 2002.

US Department of State, 2002 Patterns of Global Terrorism, p 4.

Testimony before the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Technology, Terrorism, and Government Information, March 13, 2002.

Adam Isacson, "Colombia Peace in Tatters," NACLA Report on the Americas, Vol. XXXV, No. 5, March/April 2002, p. 11.

Steven Dudley, "War in Colombia's Oilfields," The Nation, August 5/12, 2002, p. 31.

Isacson, pp. 12--13.

WOLA Associate Laurie Freeman contributed significantly to this section.

General James T. Hill, Statement Before the House Armed Services Committee," March 12, 2003, p. 5.

Joseph Contreras, "A 'Little Vietnam'?" Newsweek International, June 15, 2002.

Venezuelans only need of our own opinions to solve our problems!

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Wednesday, May 28, 2003 By: Elio Cequea

Date: Wed, 28 May 2003 12:57:08 -0500 From: Elio Cequea To: Subject: Time for our leaders and intellectuals to raise the standard

Dear Editor: Its time for our leaders and intellectuals to raise the standard: Please, get rid of that low "developing country" self-esteem.

Steve Forbes wrote an article about Venezuela and the article became a headliner in a Venezuelan national newspaper. If you read what he wrote, it is hard NOT to conclude that it is far from anything worth the attention of a "national" newspaper.

Steve's May-26 "Fact and Comment" does nothing but repeat some of the opposition best slogans ... he starts with the "attempt to make Venezuela a second Cuba" and ends by calling for the army to "send Chavez to Havana on a permanent vacation."

Steve Forbes wrote that the protests against Chavez were "spontaneous." He does not make any attempt to support his opinion with facts or intelligent arguments. To put it mildly, his work was ordinary at best ... even though, somebody considered his work good enough to be a national headliner. Why?

A couple of days later, Gustavo Coronel writes about his personal problem with the friendship between former US Congressman Jack Kemp and Venezuelan Ambassador to the US Bernardo Alvarez Herrera. He seems to feel threatened by that relationship. Why?

Can that friendship have negative or positive effects on Venezuela's politics?

Apparently that is what GC thinks ... he "explains" that the reason Jack kemp is a friend of the Ambassador is because of his misunderstanding of the Venezuelan situation. Is something as trivial as a friendship an issue that would affect Venezuela's national security?

Jack Kemp has the right to be a friend with whomsoever he chooses. Steve Forbes has the right to have any opinion he wants. Neither the friendships of one, nor the opinions of the other, should have any effect on Venezuela's politics. They are not even in a position of power ... if they do have an effect, we definitely have a major self-esteem problem.

It is a good time to practice to be "intellectually developed" as a country ... it only requires independence of thought.

Our leaders and intellectuals should take the lead on this matter ... El Universal could have found something more meaningful than the mediocre Steve Forbes article as a headliner.

I am also sure that Gustavo Coronel has better things to put his mind to than worry about who are the friends of Bernardo Alvarez Herrera and why.

We Venezuelans only need of our own opinions to solve our problems!

Come on people concentrate!

Elio Cequea

What a Heck?

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Thursday, May 15, 2003 By: Oscar Heck

Attempt by a self-confessed Chavez-hater to discredit Chavez and the government

VHeadline commentarist Oscar Heck writes: Gustavo Coronel's  <a>“An open letter about PDVSA to President Hugo Chavez Frias” is another attempt by a self-confessed Chavez-hater to discredit Chavez and the present Venezuelan government. It is also another desperate and futile attempt to vindicate the anti-Chavez and pro-opposition people from their without-conscience, illegal, unethical, immoral and criminal actions … actions which they have obviously (and publicly) shoved down the throats of all Venezuelans … and by “all Venezuelans” I mean all Venezuelans.

Coronel states that “Chavez” fired 18,000 PDVSA employees in an undignified fashion.

What crock!

I was in Venezuela while most of this happened:

First, Chavez himself was not the one who fired the employees ... he read a list on TV of the employees that were being fired!

Second, if they were to be fired (as they were) how else would these employees know that they were to be fired if they were not showing up to work as they should have been?

By mail? No, the mail service was shut down by Coronel's so-beloved pro-opposition people.

By phone? Probably not, most of the ex-PDVSA saboteurs were probably partying in Aruba or Miami!

Third, they deserved to be fired.

Fourth, they deserved to be “undignified”, as Coronel calls it...

Why? Because they assisted first-hand in destroying the Venezuelan economy … which cost several billions of dollars (not to emphasize the long-term effects of their malicious and pre-meditated actions that caused untold prolonged damage onto the vast majority of “humble” Venezuelans -ú as Coronel's so-beloved pro-opposition people often likes to call “them.”)

Coronel goes on to say that these ex (and I stress ex)-PDVSA employees will go back to work for PDVSA. No way Gustavo. Would you re-hire an employee of your hotel/resort on Margarita if that person sabotaged your installations, stole your keys and went to the media to discredit you? I don’t think so.

What will happen “as sure as the sun goes up every morning”, is that these PDVSA saboteurs and criminals will never work at PDVSA again.

Hopefully, they will never work at any other petroleum company again … they deserve to be “selling cakes in the streets”, as you so derogatorily state! (What is wrong with selling cakes on the streets, Gustavo?)

Now, I have worked for over 20 years as a professional recruiter: corporate executives, upper and mid-level managers, scientists and technical people. I have interviewed and evaluated over 12,000 people in a vast number of fields of activity in several countries. I have helped to mount some of what are today the biggest manufacturing firms in the world in their field. I have also done extensive fraud/criminal/corruption investigation work at high levels.

Coronel considers the PDVSA saboteurs as “real PDVSA professional managers and technicians.” That is also a bunch of crock. True professionals would not have sabotaged PDVSA, especially knowing that the results could be so devastating!

Coronel says that “these values had been accepted by the nation as the guiding principles for the Institution.” This cannot be true ... by implication, most Venezuelans are not saboteurs. Most pro-opposition people are.

Anyone who supports the kind of “values” that the opposition-supporters and the ex-PDVSA saboteurs support, has no “human” values. They have been heartless and without-conscience, thinking only of themselves … as Coronel mentions “…putting everything on the line: jobs, financial stability, family and career.”

Furthermore Gustavo, it is not because someone has “knowledge and experience” in the petroleum industry that it makes them “valuable” for PDVSA. Knowledge and experience are “acquired,” they are not “innate.” There are other factors that play more important roles in the selection of “valuable” employees: human values and inborn character traits, capacities and talents. The fact that a person has a university degree does not make someone more “intelligent” or more “able” or more “persistent” or more “creative” or more “reliable” or more “honest” or more “human” than someone who doesn’t have a degree.

It applies as well to someone who has “experience and knowledge.” Some of the best “crooks” in the world are also some of the most “intelligent” and “creative” people in the world. What one does with his/her talents, traits and capacities depends on the “human values” to which one subscribes.

Example: Who do you think collects priceless “illegal” antiquities and artwork?

Coronel is dreaming (or having some serious nightmares).  He is accusing Chavez (and by implication, the present Venezuelan government) of trying to destroy PDVSA.

Where has he been for the last year or so?

Who “stopped” PDVSA?

Chavez? The present government?

No, PDVSA was stopped by those 18,000+ ex-PDVSA employees that so willingly supported the mafia-incited-stoppage … whether duped into it or not!

Coronel addresses Chavez suggesting that he should reflect on his own ethical posture. Maybe Coronel should ask the PDVSA saboteurs and anti-Chavez supporters that participated in the destruction of the Venezuelan economy!

Does he really believe that it is ethical to create a “stoppage”, block streets, sabotage PDVSA, try to close banks and schools?

Does he think that it is ethical to call for the murder of someone in public?

Does he think that it is ethical for employers to intentionally shut down operations (threats included), leaving thousands of average Venezuelans jobless and wageless (!) … simply because the employers are part of the Fedecamaras/CTV/Media/USA backed “stoppage?

(Three of my brothers-in-law lost their jobs -ú due to being locked out in December 2002 -- and still haven’t been paid!)

Coronel says that the ex-PDVSA people were trained in “meritocracy, apoliticism and professional management.”

First, according to the dictionary, “meritocracy” is: a system in which such an elite (an intellectual elite, based on academic achievement) achieves special status, as in positions of leadership. If you believe that “intellectual academic achievement” is “good” criteria for managing/operating a company, then you are simply confirming that the ex-PDVSA employees should not be re-hired. Company leaders selected based on their “intellectual academic achievement” do not guarantee good or great management. “Intellectual elites” are better suited for university and institutions of the like.

Second, if meritocracy is the ex-PDVSA system, then it is very difficult to imagine that “professional management” was one of the backbones of the ex-PDVSA.

Third, you say “apoliticism”. The evidence is abundantly to the contrary! This “meritocracia” brought down PDVSA for political reasons (and probably also to detract from the excesses in personal privileges).  It appears to me that Coronel, as well as many pro-opposition supporters really believe that “meritocracy” is a valid contender in today’s world.

Sorry to tell you Gustavo Coronel ... times are changing ... the “intellectual academic elites” are losing ground in Venezuela and worldwide … and for obvious reasons.

Oscar Heck

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