Adamant: Hardest metal
Saturday, July 5, 2003

Crashing down to earth was the best thing that ever happened to me...

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Monday, June 23, 2003 By: Thais J. Gangoo

Leaves flying away from a tree that has just grown half It isn't Fall yet, so what is going on? Maybe it wants just to change its color and lose some memories Memories of birds, fruits, and flowers on its arms.

Finally its color has changed, It's now as yellow and bright as the sun, It shines like the moon in the darkest night, Though one thing is missing now, Someone wrapped up in its arms. LifeStyle correspondent Thais J. Gangoo writes: Have you ever felt this way? I'm pretty sure many of us have felt this way at least once in our lives ... no matter how many friends we have, or how close our family remains, or even how sweet our pets can be ... when there is no love, no passion, our lives feel as empty as a bar at 10 o'clock in the morning.

For the last few weeks I've been able to see so many different things I had seen before, but never paid attention to them. One of them was the fact that, when there is so much work to do, our only one friend when we get home (if we live alone) is our computer. Sometimes its either too late to call a friend or we're too tired to even go out for a cup of coffee. So, we sit in front of the computer and become part of a whole different world, where we can spend hours and hours without noticing that we've a real life to live.

I must be honest, I have been immerged in this world for many months, and I've even gone beyond my own reality.  Crashing down to earth when I needed it, was the best thing that ever happened to me, though it really hurt.

It all begins when we get those emails telling us about websites where you can make friends and meet nice people ... Would it hurt to give it a try? ... I may have some fun!  Those are the things we first say to ourselves right after we read those emails ... then, we register for free and, without knowing it, we become part of online relationships statistics.

It's amazing how many people go to those websites to find their significant other ... thousands and thousands of people really believe they can make the best friends online and even find their future husband or wife ... and I mustn't forget to include myself.

Though I've never paid, since I always register for free, I must say that those webpages really help us to get away from reality!  We all need that once in a while ... don't you think?

Have you ever had an online relationship?  Do you truly believe in them?  Is it easier than meeting someone in a bar, a park or even the subway?

I'm not sure if it is easier or not ... but I am sure those relationships have changed people's lives in many ways. I've even heard about divorces caused through online affairs, but I have also heard about successful marriages and happy families after an online encounter.

Not only marriages, but also great and long lasting friendships can be found online. My own experience can tell you that it can be possible! When I first started using the Internet I met a guy from Mexico who is still my online friend after 6 years. We don't talk each day or anything like that ... but we keep in touch, even though we've never met in person.

Also, I've met great people who are still my friends and have helped me a lot when I've been going through a hard time. Some of them have even made me believe that dreams can come true. I've met people I always dreamed about when I was a little girl, and now they're my best friends in my real life. And, when I say real life, I'm talking about sharing good times with them ... not only online, but also in person.

I've also found a love that has never become part of my real life ... but it has long been deep in my heart and has been a wonderful experience.

Anything can happen after we let ourselves become part of this electronic world ... if you believe in love, anything is possible ... and if you don't, let's give it a chance to grow inside our hearts. It doesn't really matter where you find it!

Love is the power that makes us do the things we like.  Love is the key to open doors that hate has made us lock up ... love is the water that extinguishes the flames that make our hearts crash and burn!

No doubt about it! All we need is love.

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