Adamant: Hardest metal
Tuesday, June 24, 2003

If President Chavez Frias wasn't constantly called to task for wrongs not of his doing

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Friday, June 13, 2003 By: Kay Onefeather

Date: Thu, 12 Jun 2003 19:45:47 EDT From: Kay Onefeather To:  Subject: Marta Altoaguirre

Dear Editor: Inter American Human Rights Commission (IAHRC) president, Marta Altoaguirre has placed Venezuela in the same league with Colombia, Haiti and Cuba as countries where greatest human rights violations take place.

Senora (?): It seems so much easier to point fingers and accuse a sitting President of violating Human Rights, than it is to point fingers and place blame squarely on the shoulders of those actually guilty of human wrongs.

Those who are guilty ... they who have had free reign regarding human rights abuse over decades, without so much as a whimper from any human rights organizations.

Polarization is hardly NEW to Venezuela! (Where have you been?). It has been around for centuries, separating those that HAD, and those that HAD NO CHANCE!

Yet, over those centuries, who cried abuse, as the majority of people struggled in poverty, hunger and untreated illness/disease?

Perhaps, you prefer more recent times, say the last 50 years?

Or ... maybe the last 20 years?

Again, I ask ...Where have you been?

It seems only now that Human Rights warrant attention in Venezuela ... can one surmise that your attention is yet another feeble attempt to discredit the President?

Of the countries you mentioned, Venezuela is different in that human rights abuses are being addressed ... and changes are being implemented ... and, if President Chavez Frias wasn't constantly called to task for wrongs not of his doing, progress would be even speedier!

Kay Onefeather

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