Adamant: Hardest metal
Sunday, May 25, 2003

Venezuela needs people with principles to play and win or lose with dignity

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Sunday, May 18, 2003 By: Elio Cequea

Date: Fri, 16 May 2003 19:04:57 -0500 From: Elio Cequea To: Subject: In his open letter to the President Hugo Chavez

Dear Editor: In his <a>open letter to the President Hugo Chavez, Gustavo Coronel forgets about basic moral principles and continues to play politics. I am with the President. These people should not be hired back. They decided to play the game and lost.

The PDVSA managers went on strike convinced that the government and the authorities of the oil company would fall in less than a week. The decision was based on two known assumptions. The first one was that Venezuela's economy could not survive without PDVSA. The second was that the company could not operate without them.

At this moment, one of the conjectures has been proven: Venezuela cannot survive without PDVSA. However, on the other hand, the fallacy of the second conjecture has been exposed. As some sympathizers of the government call it, the MERITocracy resulted in a true MYTHocracy.

PDVSA operations have been almost fully normalized. Now these people are asking the same authorities they tried to expel to reinstate them. Their argument is the same argument they used when they decided to go on strike: the company cannot operate without them ... it is just amazing!

Venezuela needs people with principles ... especially at that level!

We need people that choose to play and win or lose with dignity.

Let's not waste this opportunity to teach ourselves a historical lesson as a nation ... we have to learn to assume responsibility for our decisions.

We have to learn also to live with the consequences.

They played it. They lost it. Accept the consequences!

Grow up Gustavo ... it is a matter of principles!

Elio Cequea

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