Adamant: Hardest metal
Monday, May 5, 2003

Venezuela is a beautiful country with beautiful people

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Tuesday, April 29, 2003 By: Oscar Heck commentarist Oscar Heck writes: Now is a good time to bring up some more examples of the anti-Chavez opposition’s lack of human decency, questionable intentions/tactics and their self-named “democratic” and “civilized” actions.

A few days ago, I received another unkind word from an avid anti-Chavez person, “…slimeball…” A little while back, I received the following from a person associated with a Miami-based anti-Chavez organization: “… and if you are such an adament Chavez supporter, bewarned: considering what they have done to our country, a "bullet in the head" might be appropriate for some Chavistas!”

Recently, another person has received threats simply for advertising that does not support the Venezuelan opposition. The “threateners” apparently identified themselves as anti-Chavez people and "heroes of Plaza Altamira" (where a handful of renegade anti-Chavez military camped out for many weeks demanding the resignation of Chavez).

A friend of mine (who also does not support the opposition) received this recently (names have been changed): “Sam o Sam, where for art thou, Sam? In Canada still? Honing your b******t in mother Russia? You'll be found by and by Sammy … Sleep tight, for t'won't be tonight, but by and by, baby Sam, by and by, Bye-bye...and see you real soon ... sweet pants ... by and by...”

Now, as I have mentioned on many occasions, I am anti-opposition. Why?

Because of the without-conscience actions that they have taken against Venezuela in their panic-stricken illogical attempt to oust the democratically-elected Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez.

Unfortunately, the Venezuelan opposition often appears to assume that if one is against the opposition (as I am), then one is pro-Chavez.

This reminds me of the USA stance … if you are not with us, then you are against us ... and the funny thing is that many opposition supporters are also avid USA supporters.

What never ceases to amaze me is that the opposition continuously calls itself “civilized” and “democratic” ... is it civilized and democratic to threaten people, including with death?

Carlos Ortega publicly called for the death of Chavez while in Florida, where he apparently said, “Muerte al tirano!” (Death to the tyrant!). Isn’t it against the law (in the USA) to call for the death of someone in public?

Perhaps not … Bush and gang have publicly called for the death of undesirable “anti-democratic dictators and organizations!” Hmm.

Is this the kind of “democracy” that Venezuela needs?

A “democracy” led by the opposition … an opposition which has little respect for others ... an opposition which has no qualms about harassing Tarek Saab and family in a public restaurant ... an opposition which threatens people with death simply for not being on their side ... an opposition which willingly invites assistance from the USA (PNAC and NED included?), to topple Chavez (a democratically-elected President) ... an opposition which believes that maybe some Chavez supporters deserve a bullet in the head?

Very democratic and civilized opposition!

The weirdest thing is that the majority of the opposition people are well-educated (engineers, doctors, lawyers, business professionals, etc.). Why would such educated people resort to threats and actions of sedition, sabotage and treason?

The opposition is also openly backed by the Venezuelan church. Why would the Venezuelan church back a slew of uncivilized, anti-democratic and criminal opposition people such as Carlos Fernandez, Carlos Ortega and Juan Fernandez (not to mention the thousands of crazed supporters)?

From what I understand, it is apparently because they (church and opposition) fear that Chavez will turn Venezuela into another Communist country. My opinion is that this “reason” is simply a pretext to cover up the real reasons!

What are the real reasons?

  • To maintain monopolies in the area of food and drug (pharmaceuticals) manufacturing, imports and distribution … which gives them the power to control the Venezuelan economy to the point where this control supersedes democratic political will. (e.g., the stoppage)

  • To maintain the status quo with regards to a corrupt and “mafia”-style legal and judicial system … allowing those with money to conveniently escape justice. (e.g., Carlos Ortega, Perdro Carmona, Juan Fernandez, Carlos Fernandez and many more.)

  • To maintain the 80% in a continuous state of ignorance and exclusion from the benefits of Venezuelan society. (e.g., keep the minimum wage low enough to keep the poorer Venezuelans too busy working just-to-survive so that they have no more energy, will or desire to further their studies or to seek methods of improving their condition with the help of government structures.)

  • To maintain media control with the intent of brainwashing people at will. (e.g., Globovision, RCTV, Venevision, TeleVen, El Nacional, El Universal etc, during the April 11-13, 2002 coup and during the stoppage.)

  • To hide the fact that the majority of the 20% are classists and racists (whether intentional or not). (e.g., “Los monitos” live in “los cerros.” i.e. monkeys -ú dark-skinned people or blacks -- live in the hills … referring to the slums.)

  • To continue extravagant life styles, and this includes the Venezuelan church mafia. (e.g., travel abroad regularly, vacations in Los Roques, shopping trips to Miami, ownership of several residences throughout the country and abroad, sending children to study in the USA or Canada … all this whilst paying their servants and maids often less that 120$ per month, a completely undignifying wage.)

When I speak against the Venezuelan opposition (which includes the majority of the mid-to-upper classes ú the 20%) I am not speaking against “Venezuelans”. The mid-to-upper classes want the world to believe them when they say “we, the Venezuelans,” insinuating that they are representative of “Venezuelans.” Unfortunately, when spoken by the opposition, “we, the Venezuelans” is not even close to being representative of “all Venezuelans.”

“All Venezuelans” would be better represented by the majority 80% … mostly hardworking people who have been exploited by much of the 20% for several generations.


I have been accused by opposition supporters of generalizing about the 20%. I am generalizing to a certain degree. Why? Because my experience -- in the last 27 years -- regarding this sector of Venezuelan society has been that the vast majority of the 20% can be grouped thus.

Over the years I have dealt with and courted Venezuelan ambassadors, consuls, diplomats, generals, artists, heads of church, bank owners, lawyers, engineers, and businessmen. As well, I have had the pleasure of living and working with Venezuelans in Caracas area slums and in small villages in the countryside.

Responding recently to opposition accusations that Chavez’s bodyguards are Cuban, Venezuelan Ambassador Sanchez apparently stated, “… I think it is a case of racism ... for the first time, one sees not just one black person among the President's bodyguards but several and people think there aren't any blacks in Venezuela and that all Cubans are black …"

Venezuela is a beautiful country with beautiful people.

When I say beautiful people I am referring to the majority of Venezuelans, including some from the 20%.

Oscar Heck

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