Adamant: Hardest metal
Friday, April 25, 2003

MVR objects to 5/25 clauses in negotiated agreement between the government and opposition

<a>Vheadline Posted: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 By: Patrick J. O'Donoghue

Movimiento Quinta Republica (MVR) National Tactical Command (CNT) has objected to 5/22 clauses of the negotiated settlement between government and opposition. 

Party spokesman, William Lara says MVR would like to see the adjective "participative" included in clause 6 because it describes the model of democracy currently relevant in Venezuela and rejects the participation of international observers as "verifiers" in the disarming of civilians plan, as stipulated in clause 10. 

Lara argues that such a role would be against national sovereignty ... "we would be willing to accept them as technical advisers."

MVR would also like to see the recall referendum extended to other elected positions besides the presidency and rejects clause 20, which establishes the referendum as priority for the new National Electoral College (CNE). "It is not prudent to force the pace and it would violate the CNE's autonomy." 

Lara did not say whether the MVR would recommend the President not to sign the agreement ... "we don't have the authority to condition the government's response."

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