Adamant: Hardest metal
Saturday, April 5, 2003

828 Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) employees given marching orders

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Thursday, April 03, 2003 By: Patrick J. O'Donoghue

PDVSA president Ali Rodriguez Araque has issued an order dismissing 828 Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) employees, bringing the alleged total number of dismissals since December to 17,871 workers. 

According to former PDVSA human resources managers, the number represents 47% of employees that worked for the company up till December 31, 2002. 

The decision to lay off the employees and published in the Gaceta Oficial is based on Labor Law Article 102, stipulating unjustified abandonment of work place and dishonesty. 

The shadow PDVSA human resources team highlights the fact that those dismissed average 15 years in the company and complains that PDVSA is advertising for foreigners to fill the posts.

Recruitment International Ltd is seeking engineers with experience in flexi-coke and distillary processes (refinery) with a minimum of 10 years experience. 

The Venezuelan Geophysics Society of Engineers has announced that it will not accept foreigners taking up employment in Venezuela, alleging that foreign personnel know less than Venezuelans about the  country's hydrocarbon basins.

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