Adamant: Hardest metal
Friday, March 7, 2003

Venezuela: Staple foods to go on sale at army-controlled wholesale markets

March 6, 2003 9:37pm Venezuelan pro-government VENews web site on 6 March

Agriculture Supplies and Service Corporation (Casa) president, Gerardo Liscano says primary foodstuffs will be on sale at wholesale markets.

The products the public can buy are: black beans, lentils, dried peas, maize flour, sardines, tuna, pasta, rice and powdered milk.

Liscano has announced that local garrisons will oversee the whole process to avoid lack of supplies and possible loss of material through desabastecimiento [scarcity]. "We are currently engaged in a deal to import a greater variety of foodstuffs within the next couple of weeks."

Meanwhile, state consumer watchdog committee (Indecu [Institute for the Defence and Education of the Consumer and User]) has been checking 1,000 complaints of speculation.

Liscano sums up saying 238 stores have been penalized but 116 re-opened after it was discovered that they had been misinformed about prices. "The offenders are small stores and supermarket in popular areas".

Indecu president, Samuel Ruh confirms that all the big supermarket chains are adhering to the government's price listings.

The Production and Trade (MPC) Ministry has granted 3bn bolivares to bolster Indecu in the upcoming exchange rate markets... [ellipsis as published] "Indecu will also be moving its offices to Parque Central [where the Production and Trade Ministry has its offices]".

Source: VENews web site in English 6 Mar 03

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