Adamant: Hardest metal
Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Unrest In Venezuela Affecting Some Del Mar Students

By Dave Lozano, KRIS-TV February 24, 2003

Political problems in Venezuela caused some Del Mar College Students to nearly drop out of school.

Enyely Pachas enjoys college, but thousands of miles away, political troubles cripple her homeland.

A two month strike against President Hugo Chavez caused many businesses in Venezuela to shut down including the banks. That was bad news for Enyely.

Enyely says, "My family said, 'How can I help my daughter? She's by herself. She doesn't have anything."

Because the banks closed, her parents were not able to send her money for school.

Enyely says, "I was scared to lose my school, my apartment, everything."

Two other Venezuelan Students, Natasha De Campos and Ingrid Merrick were in the same situation.

The Local Chapter of the Pan American Round Table of Texas, the Del Mar College Office of Development and Del Mar College Foundation stepped in.

On Monday Afternoon, the students were presented with scholarship money so they could stay in school.

Enyely says, "I called my mom and I said, 'We don't have to worry about my school.' And she was so happy. She can breathe now."

The money the women received will pay for spring's tuition.

Because all three of them came to this country with student visas, they're only allowed to work on campus for only 19 hours a week.

*This story is written and published by KRIS Communications. Please send your comments to

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