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Saturday, February 1, 2003

[PCUSANEWS] Group plans mission-education network

From PCUSA NEWS Date 31 Jan 2003 07:53:39 -0500 Note #7577 from PCUSA NEWS to PRESBYNEWS:

Group plans mission-education network 03057 January 29, 2003

Group plans mission-education network

Idea is to rally support for PC(USA)-related schools overseas

by John Filiatreau

LOUISVILLE - A dozen Presbyterians who are passionate about educational missions gathered here last week to take the first steps toward forming a "network" to support the educational efforts of the overseas partners of the Presbyterian Church (USA).

The idea was to create a new organization to focus on the educational

component of international mission, as the Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship and Outreach Foundation support evangelism and the Presbyterian Medical Benevolence Foundation promotes health ministries.

However, the group - composed of pastors, missionaries, retired

missionaries, lay volunteers and presbytery and synod representatives - decided against becoming a validated mission support group structured like those foundations, at least for now. It also passed on the idea of trying to become an official PC(USA) advisory group, choosing instead a "program network" model, whose purpose would be to identify needs and marshal PC(USA) resources to address them.

The participants' commitment to the cause is shown by the fact that

they paid their own way to Louisville for the two-day brainstorming discussion at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

They ultimately planned several other trips - to countries in Africa,

the Middle East and South America, to identify successful models of educational mission to be promoted by the group, which hasn't chosen a name, but seemed to be leaning toward OPEN (Overseas Presbyterian Educational Network).

Participants agreed to meet again in late summer or early fall, and

in the meantime to recruit other education enthusiasts in the PC(USA).

David Maxwell, coordinator for global education and leadership

development in the Worldwide Ministries Division (WMD), said the idea of forming such a group has been "festering" on his agenda for some time. He said its purpose will be to "guide, steer, nudge, push" the denomination to step up its efforts on behalf of international education missions.

Maxwell's office spends about $500,000 a year in support of more than

200 schools and literacy programs around the world.

Will Brown, WMD's associate director for ecumenical partnership, told

the participants that education is one of the things that differentiates Presbyterian mission efforts from those of other Christian groups. "If there's one thing our denomination knows how to do, it's education," he said. "We have a capacity and we aren't using that capacity."

Marian McClure, the WMD director, found time in her busy schedule to

drop in to make "a quick little speech of support" of the organizing effort, which she called "the culmination of at least seven years of dreaming."

Educational mission takes in literacy programs, primary and secondary

schools, teacher-training and leadership-development programs, colleges and universities, and seminaries.

Maxwell said "it makes sense for a Reformed church" to strongly

support education because of its conviction that people everywhere "have a right and responsibility to read and write and be part of their churches and communities," and because of the central importance of enabling people to read scripture. He noted that many Presbyterian missionaries who established churches in foreign lands "often started a school right next to the church."

The envisioned network would include congregations, presbyteries,

synods and "individual Presbyterians with a passion for mission" who want to be involved in the overseas educational efforts of the PC(USA).

Participants would: share information and experience; work out common

strategies; coordinate educational efforts; facilitate communication; and "maximize" contact with international partners.

Organizers passed out a WMD paper, Guidelines for WMD-Related

"Mission Networks," that says in part: "We would hope to assist in the gathering of those with like interests and ... help in the whole of the PC(USA) in the organization and funding of the platforms necessary at national and regional levels for responsible, transparent, accountable and invitational mission work."

Maxwell wrote after the first day of meetings: "On the one hand, we

want to build a network that is not restrictive (much like the country networks), but rather a gathering of everyone doing everything. On the other hand, we see the need to create at least two programs that currently do not exist that would be more uniform and centralized that can engage individuals, congregations and presbyteries and synods."

One idea that seemed to have a lot of support was an "adopt-a-school"

program in which PC(USA) individuals, Sunday schools and churches would support a particular school of a partner church.

Several participants spoke favorably of scholarship programs to make

schooling accessible to children whose families cannot afford to pay even minimal tuition and expenses.

Jeff Boyd, a PC(USA) mission worker in Cameroon now on a visit to the

United States, said the problems educators in many parts of the world face are primarily: lack of access to schools, a particular problem for the poor and for girls; poor teaching, the result of "undertraining" and a scarcity of educational materials; declining, poorly maintained school buildings and other infrastructure; and isolation from the outside world and its resources.

Don Mead, of Glen Arbor, MI, a former missionary, proposed that the network begin by identifying "a couple of platforms and a couple of programs ... in places where we have good, solid relationships" that can serve as "models to be replicated elsewhere."

The group tentatively planned "exploratory" trips to Congo, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Malawi, and identified other countries that might be added to the list, including Lebanon, Palestine, Pakistan, Ethiopia, Colombia and Venezuela.

When Peggy Owens, associate general presbyter the Mid-Kentucky Presbytery, asked the awkward question, "Who's financing these trips?", Maxwell admitted, "At this point we have no budget." He said he may approach PC(USA) entities for financial backing, and expressed confidence that Presbyterians will support the new network and its purpose.

"Let's let the word out in the denomination and see what comes up," Maxwell suggested.

Mitri Raheb, of Palestine, a mission partner in residence at the Presbyterian Center, is a Lutheran who runs a Christian school in Bethlehem. He said many in his country appreciate American-style education, which emphasizes "critical thinking and creativity" over the rote learning prevalent in many cultures. He said his school also imparts "Christian values" to its students, half of whom are Muslims.

The participants agreed that the timing is right for such an effort.

Several said it is important that the network involve "the grass roots of the church" and be "owned" by people across the denomination, rather than becoming just another office in WMD.

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