Adamant: Hardest metal
Thursday, January 30, 2003

Firmas, Signatures,

Universidad Pedagógica Experimental Libertador (UPEL)

1.Manuel Bermúdez, Individuo de Número de la Academia Venezolana de la Lengua, Prof. Titular, UPEL,

Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB)

  1. Benjamín Scharifker, Miembro correspondiente de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela, Premio Fundación Polar, Vicerrector Administrativo, Prof. Titular, Química, USB,
  2. Ignacio Rodríguez Iturbe, Premio Estocolmo del Agua 2002, Prof. Titular, Ingeniería, USB y U. de Princeton, EEUU
  3. Enrique Planchart, Miembro correspondiente de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, USB
  4. Carlos Pacheco, Investigador Honorario del Birbeck College de la Universidad de Londres, Decano de Estudios de Postgrado, Prof. Titular, Literatura, USB
  5. Henryk Gzyl, Premio Nacional de Ciencias, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UCV y USB,
  6. Marisol Delgado, Premio Caballero de Palmas Académicas, Francia, Prof. Titular, Automatización y Control, USB
  7. Joaquín Lira Olivares, Doctor Honoris Causa U. Tecnológica de Nagaoka, Japón, Prof. Titular, Ciencias de los Materiales, USB
  8. Estrella Laredo, Premio Nacional de Ciencias, Prof. Titular, Física, USB
  9. Luis Raúl Pericchi, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas USB y U. de Puerto Rico
  10. Alfredo Rosas-Romero, Prof. Titular, Química Analítica, USB
  11. Klaus Jaffé, Premio Fundación Polar, Prof. Titular, Centro de Estudios Estratégicos, USB
  12. Marianela Lentini, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, USB
  13. Silverio González Téllez. Prof. Titular, Sociólogo, USB
  14. Isbelia Martín, Prof. Titular, Física, USB
  15. Giovanni De Mercato, Prof. Titular, Electrónica, USB
  16. Rosalba Lamana de Rocco, Prof. Titular, Automatización y Control, USB
  17. Arnoldo José Gabaldón, Prof. Honorario, Desarrollo y Ambiente, USB, Ex Ministro del Ambiente y los Recursos Naturales Renovables.
  18. William Colmenares, Prof. Titular, Jefe del Dpto. Automatización y Control, USB
  19. Alejandro Muller, Premio Fundación Polar, Prof. Titular, Ciencias de los Materiales, USB
  20. Ubaldo M. García Palomares, Prof. Titular, Procesos y Sistemas, USB
  21. Alberto Mendoza, Prof. Titular, Jefe Departamento Matemáticas, USB
  22. Lelys Bravo de Guenni, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, USB
  23. Marisol Aguilera, Prof. Titular, Biología, USB
  24. Alfredo Bello, Prof. Titular, Física, USB
  25. María Mercedes Pérez de Chamorro, Prof. Titular, Refinación y Petróleo, USB
  26. José Vicente Carrasquero, Prof. Titular, Ciencia Política, USB
  27. Omar Noria, Prof. Titular, Coordinador del Postgrado en Ciencia Política, USB
  28. Herbert Koeneke, Prof. Titular, Ciencia Política, USB
  29. Ángel Oropeza, Prof. Titular, Ciencia Política, USB
  30. José Luis Feijoo, Prof. Titular, Ciencias de Materiales, USB
  31. Hugo R. Groening, Prof. Titular, Física, USB
  32. Bruno Sansó, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, USB
  33. Elizabeth Valarino, Prof. Titular, Psicología Social, USB
  34. Marisela Hernández, Prof. Titular, Ciencia y Tecnología del Comportamiento, USB
  35. Oswaldo Nuñez, Prof. Titular, Director de la Unidad de Gestión Ambiental, USB
  36. Marta de la Vega, Prof. Titular, Filosofía y Ciencia Política, USB
  37. Lourdes Iturralde, Prof. Titular, Bioingeniería, USB
  38. Lya Feldman, Prof. Titular, Psicología de la Salud, USB
  39. Gianfranco Passariello, Prof. Titular, Electrónica, Coordinador del Doctorado en Ingeniería, USB
  40. Isabel Llatas, Prof. Titular, Estadística Industrial, USB
  41. Juan Carlos Rodríguez, Prof. Titular, Descentralización y Política Local, USB
  42. Antonio Acosta, Prof. Titular, Mecánica, USB
  43. Godela Scherer, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, USB
  44. Rafael Aldaz, Prof. Titular, Ciencias de la Tierra, USB
  45. Carmen Vincenti, Prof. Titular, Literatura Latinoamericana, USB
  46. Rosa María Chacón, Prof. Titular, Urbanismo, USB
  47. Germán Crespo, Prof. Titular, Mecánica, USB
  48. Diana Ajami Henríquez, Prof. Titular, Biología, USB
  49. Nora Soto-Rosa de Villoria, Dir. de la División de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Prof. Asociado, Idiomas, USB
  50. Delia Gutiérrez, Prof. Asociado, Ciencia de los Materiales, USB
  51. Jesús Ravelo S., Prof. Asociado, Métodos Formales, USB
  52. Luisa A. Delgado, Prof. Asociado, Procesos y Sistemas, USB
  53. Maruja Ortega, Prof. Asociado, Computación, USB
  54. Carole Leal Curiel, Prof. Asociado, Historia Política, USB
  55. Mercedes Pulido, Prof. Asociado, Psicología, UCAB – USB
  56. Ana María del Re, Prof. Asociado, Literatura, USB
  57. Luis Rojas S., Prof. Asociado, Conversión y Transporte, USB
  58. Edna Ruckhaus, Prof. Asociado, Computación, USB
  59. Ascander Suárez, Prof. Asociado, Computación, USB
  60. Yolanda de Abreu, Prof. Asociado, Ciencias de Materiales, USB
  61. Sergio Díaz, Prof. Asociado, Turbo-máquinas, USB
  62. Enrique Larrañaga, Prof. Asociado, Arquitectura, USB
  63. Alicia Fedor, Prof. Titular, Lingüística, USB
  64. Cristian Álvarez A., Prof. Asociado, Literatura, USB
  65. Nelson Tepedino, Coordinador del Postgrado en Filosofía, Prof. Asociado, Filosofía, USB
  66. Víctor Rastelli, Prof. Asociado, Mecánica, USB
  67. Nila Montbrun, Prof. Asociado, Mecánica, USB
  68. Ana Rivas, Prof. Asociado, Ciencia de los Materiales, USB
  69. Gerardo Fernández, Prof. Asociado, Electrónica y Circuitos, USB
  70. Shunichi Watanabe, Prof. Asociado, Idiomas, USB
  71. Rogelio Carrasquel, Prof. Asociado, Informática, USB
  72. Juan Posada, Prof. Asociado, Biología, USB
  73. Arturo Gutiérrez Plaza, Prof. Agregado, Literatura, Director de Extensión Universitaria USB
  74. Mireya Matos, Prof. Agregado, Polímeros, USB
  75. Jenny Montbrun, Prof. Agregado, Procesos y Sistemas, USB
  76. Rafael Hidalgo, Prof. Agregado, Electrónica y Circuitos, USB
  77. Alicia Villamizar, Prof. Agregado, Ambiente y Desarrollo, USB

Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Científicas (IVIC)

  1. Roberto Sánchez-Delgado, Individuo de Número de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales, Premio de la OEA en Ciencias Físicas; Premio Fundación Polar, Guggenheim Fellow, Premio Nacional de Ciencias 1999, Investigador Titular, Química, IVIC.
  2. Horacio Vanegas, Premio Humboldt de Investigación, Alemania , Investigador Titular, Centro de Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC
  3. Julio A. Urbina, Académico Internacional del Instituto Médico Howard Hughes, Premio Fundación Polar, Guggenheim Fellow, , Investigador Titular, Física, IVIC.
  4. Claudio Mendoza, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Titular, Física, IVIC
  5. Reinaldo Marín, Premio de la OEA en Ciencia y Tecnología, Investigador Titular, Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC.
  6. Ferdinando Liprandi,, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Titular del Centro de Microbiología, IVIC.
  7. Hilda Pérez, Investigadora Titular del Centro de Microbiología, IVIC
  8. Rafael Apitz, Guggenheim Fellow, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Titular Emérito del Centro de Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC
  9. Gioconda San-Blas, Miembro de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales, Investigadora Titular Emérita del Centro de Microbiología y Biología Celular, IVIC
  10. Carlo Caputo, Decano de Postgrado del IVIC, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Titular Emérito del Centro de Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC
  11. Jorge E. Paolini G, Investigador Asociado Titular, Centro de Ecología, IVIC
  12. Teresa Lehmann, Investigadora Asociada del Centro de Química, IVIC
  13. Yajaira Freites,, Investigadora Asociada, Centro de Estudio de la Ciencia, IVIC
  14. María Gloria Domínguez, Investigadora Asociada Titular, Centro de Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC
  15. Manuel Bautista, Coordinador del Postgrado en Física del IVIC, Investigador Asociado, IVIC.
  16. Flor Pujol, Investigadora Asociada Titular, Centro de Microbiología, IVIC
  17. Stefania Marcantognini, Investigadora Asociada Titular, Matemáticas, IVIC-UCV
  18. Erika Jaffe, Investigadora Asociada Titular, Centro de Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC
  19. Joaquín Ortega, Investigador Asociado Titular, Matemáticas IVIC -UCV
  20. Leiria Salazar, Investigadora Asociada, Biología Estructural, IVIC
  21. Egidio Romano, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Titular, Medicina Experimental, IVIC
  22. Elizabeth Olivares, Investigadora Asociada, Ecología, IVIC
  23. Carlos Di Prisco, Individuo de Número de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales, Premio Fundación Polar, Guggenheim Fellow, Investigador Titular, Matemáticas, IVIC.
  24. Arístides Marcano, Investigador Titular, Física, IVIC.
  25. Fulgencio Proverbio, Investigador Titular Emérito, Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC.
  26. Italo Cesari, Investigador Titular, Microbiología, IVIC
  27. Julio Fernández, Fellow del American Physical Society, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Titular Emérito, Física, IVIC, Científico Titular, ICMA-CSIC, Zaragoza
  28. Jolanta Stankiewicz, Ex Investigadora, Física, IVIC, Becaria Ramon y Cajal, Física, U. Zaragoza
  29. Nelda Dzzeo, Investigadora Asociada, Ecología, IVIC
  30. Ernesto Medina Ghinalia, Miembro de la Academia de Ciencias de EEUU, Premio Nacional de Ciencia, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Titular Emérito, Ecología, IVIC
  31. Ernesto Medina Dagger , Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Asociado, Física, IVIC
  32. Carlos Sevcik, Investigador Titular, Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC
  33. Lucimey Lima, Investigadora Titular, Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC.
  34. Humberto Díaz, Investigador Titular Emérito, Ecología, IVIC
  35. Carmen Luisa Piñango, Investigadora Titular Emérita, Medicina Experimental, IVIC
  36. Gisela Cuenca, Investigadora Asociada Titular, Ecología, IVIC
  37. Arquímedes Karam, Investigador Asociado, Química, IVIC
  38. Víctor Villalba, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigador Titular, Física, IVIC
  39. Zully Benzo, Investigadora Titular, Química, IVIC
  40. María Maillo, Investigadora Asociada, Química, IVIC
  41. Luis Miguel Márquez, Postdoctoral, Ecología, IVIC
  42. Jesús Eloy Conde, Investigador Asociado Titular, Ecología, IVIC
  43. José R. López Padrino, Investigador Titular, Biofísica y Bioquímica, IVIC y Profesor, Harvard Medical School

Universidad Central de Venezuela (UCV)

  1. Blas Bruni Celli, Individuo de Número de las Academias de la Lengua, de Medicina, de la Historia y de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales, Ex Ministro de Sanidad y Asistencia Social, Prof. Jubilado de Patología Facultad de Medicina, UCV
  2. Oscar Sambrano Urdaneta, Ex-Presidente del Consejo Nacional de la Cultura. Individuo de Número de la Academia Venezolana de la Lengua. Prof. Titular, UCV -UPEL
  3. Antonio Pasquali, Ex Subdirector General de UNESCO para el Sector de la Comunicación, Prof. Titular, UCV
  4. Alexis Márquez Rodríguez, Individuo de Número de la Academia Venezolana de la Lengua, Prof. Titular, UCV
  5. María Josefina Tejera, Individuo de Número de la Academia de la Lengua, Prof. Titular, Literatura, UCV
  6. Claudio Bifano, Individuo de Número de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales, Prof. Titular, Química, UCV
  7. Héctor Malavé Mata, Individuo de Número de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Económicas, Prof. Titular, UCV
  8. José Rafael Lovera, Individuo de Número de la Academia Nacional de la Historia, UCV
  9. Vidal Rodríguez Lemoine, Miembro correspondiente de la Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela, Prof. Titular, Biología, UCV
  10. Ana María Font Villarroel, Premio Fundación Polar, Premio ICTP Física Altas Energías de Trieste, Prof. Titular, UCV
  11. Gloria Cuenca, Premio Nacional de Periodismo (mención investigación) 1990, Prof. Titular, Escuela de Comunicación Social, UCV
  12. Luis Herrera Cometta, Premio Fundación Polar, Premio Nacional Ciencias, Prof. Titular, Escuela de Física, UCV
  13. Matitza Montero, Premio Nacional de Ciencias, Premio Latinoamericano de Psicología, Prof. Titular, UCV
  14. Vladimiro Mujica, Premio Fundación Polar, Prof. Titular, Química, , UCV
  15. Deanna de Marcano, VicePresidenta de la Sociedad Venezolana de Química, Prof. Titular, Química, UCV
  16. Rosario Alonso de De León, Coordinadora de la Maestría en Literatura Comparada, Prof. Titular, UCV.
  17. Rafael Di Prisco, Prof. Titular Jubilado, Ex Decano de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, UCV
  18. Adriana Bolívar, Coordinadora de Investigación de la Facultad de Humanidades y Educación, Prof. Titular, Lingüística, UCV,
  19. Miguel Bolívar Chollett, Director de Estudios de Postgrado de FACES, Prof. Titular, Sociología, UCV
  20. Gisela Méndez, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UCV
  21. Ana Herrera, Prof. Titular, Biología, UCV
  22. María Dolores Morán, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UCV
  23. Carmen Elena Vera, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UCV
  24. Ximena Agudo, Prof. Titular de la Escuela de Artes, UCV
  25. Alejandro Padrón B., Prof. Titular Economía, UCV
  26. María Inés H. de Padrón, Prof. Titular, Sociología, UCV
  27. Graciela Soriano de García Pelayo, Prof. Titular, Historia Política, UCV
  28. José A. Moreno, Prof. Titular, Física, UCV
  29. Marianela Castes, Prof. Titular, Medicina, UCV
  30. Ileana Iribarren, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UCV
  31. Humberto Rojas, Prof. Agregado, Matemáticas, UCV
  32. Wilfredo Urbina, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UCV
  33. Jesús Mendoza, Prof. Titular, Biología, UCV
  34. Alberto Fernández, Prof. Titular, Química, UCV
  35. José Domingo Mujica, Prof. Titular, Física, UCV
  36. Marco Paluszny, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UCV
  37. Cristina B. de Gzyl, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UCV
  38. Alicia Di Prisco de Herrera, Prof. Titular, Física, UCV
  39. Alicia Ponte Sucre, Prof. Titular, Fisiología Molecular, Jefe de la Cátedra de Fisiología, UCV
  40. Esther Wiensenfeld, Prof. Titular, Psicología, UCV
  41. Euclides Sánchez, Prof. Titular, Psicología, UCV
  42. Maria Cristina Di Prisco, Prof. Titular, Medicina, UCV
  43. Carlos Sabino, Prof. Titular, Sociología, UCV
  44. Sonia Hecker, Prof. Titular, Medicina, Ex Presidente de la Sociedad Latinoamericana de Ciencias Fisiológicas, UCV
  45. Ildemaro Torres, Prof. Titular, Medicina, UCV
  46. Bernardo Méndez, Prof. Titular, Química, UCV
  47. Miguel Martín, Prof. Titular, Física, UCV
  48. Rafael Martín, Prof. Titular, Física, UCV
  49. Jesús Alberto León, Premio Fundación Polar, Prof. Titular, Biomatemática, UCV
  50. Mercedes Sedano, Prof. Titular, Instituto de Filología Andrés Bello, UCV
  51. Manuel Bemporad, Prof. Titular, Física, UCV
  52. Adolfo Herrera, Director de El Regional del Zulia. Prof. Asociado, UCV
  53. Luz Marina Rivas Arrieta, Prof. Asociado, Literatura, Escuela de Idiomas Modernos, UCV
  54. María Sol Pérez Schael, Prof. Asociado, Sociología, UCV
  55. Irene Pérez Schael, Premio Fundación Polar, Investigadora, Instituto de Biomedicina, Jefe de Laboratorio, UCV-MSDS
  56. Paula Spiniello, Prof. Asociado, Biología, UCV
  57. Raquel Gamus, Prof. Asociado, Política Exterior Venezolana, UCV
  58. Luciana de Stefano, Prof. Asociado Jubilado, Instituto de Filología Andrés Bello, UCV
  59. Vilma Vargas de Di Prisco, Prof. Asociado Jubilado, Escuela de Letras, UCV.
  60. Mireya Fernández, Prof. Asociado, Escuela de Idiomas Modernos UCV
  61. Oscar Bastidas-Delgado, Coordinador Centro de Estudios de la Participación, la Autogestión y el Cooperativismo UCV
  62. Federico Vegas, Prof. Diseño Urbano, Arquitectura, UCV
  63. Luis Sanz Barboza, Prof. Agregado, Psiquiatría, Escuela de Medicina Luis Razetti, UCV
  64. Aura Marina Boadas, Prof. Agregado, Literatura, UCV
  65. Luis Jordán, Prof. Agregado, Biología, UCV
  66. Inirida Rodríguez, Prof. Agregado, Geofísica, UCV
  67. Irama Casale, Prof. Asociado, Biología, UCV
  68. Francisco Tovar, Prof. Agregado, Matemáticas, UCV
  69. Griselda Ferrara , Prof. Agregado, Ingeniería, UCV
  70. Maria Cristina de Palma, Prof. Agregado, Farmacia, UCV
  71. Eduardo Passariello, Prof. Asistente, Medicina, UCV
  72. Orlando Guenni, Prof. Asistente, Biología, UCV
  73. Paul Leizaola, Prof. Jubilado, Ing. Química, UCV
  74. Felix Tapia, Prof. Investigador, Medicina, UCV
  75. Antonieta Alario, Prof. Asistente, Instituto de Investigaciones Literarias, UCV
  76. Ángel Gustavo Infante, Prof. Asistente, Instituto de Investigaciones Literarias, UCV
  77. María Eugenia Martínez Padrón, Prof. Asistente, Instituto de Investigaciones Literarias, UCV
  78. Carlos Sandoval, Prof. Instructor, Instituto de Investigaciones Literarias, UCV
  79. Julio Hernández, Prof. Asistente, Instituto de Filosofía, UCV
  80. Tulio Olmos Gil, Prof. Instructor, Instituto de Filosofía, UCV

Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración (IESA)

  1. Pedro Palma, Individuo de Número Fundador de la Academia de Ciencias Económicas de Venezuela, Prof. Titular, Economía, IESA
  2. Carlos Machado Allison, Director de Investigaciones, Prof. Centro de Agroindustria, IESA
  3. Elena Granell, Prof. Titular, Desarrollo Organizacional, IESA
  4. Jaime Sabal Cárdenas, Prof. Titular, Finanzas, IESA
  5. José Malavé, Prof. Titular, Desarrollo Organizacional, IESA
  6. Ramón Piñango, Prof. Titular, Políticas Públicas y Organizaciones, IESA
  7. Gustavo García, Prof. Asociado, Economía, IESA
  8. Juan Carlos Larrañaga, Prof. Agregado, Recursos Humanos, IESA
  9. Emilio J. Navarro, Prof. Finanzas, IESA
  10. Juan Antonio Bustillo, Prof. Empresas de Familia, IESA
  11. Jacobo Rubinstein, Prof. Centro de Desarrollo Gerencial, IESA
  12. Armando Barrios Ross, Director del Master en Políticas Públicas, IESA

Universidad Metropolitana (UNIMET)

  1. José Ignacio Moreno León, Rector, Prof. Titular, Economía, UNIMET
  2. José Roberto Bello, Vicerrector Académico, Prof. Titular, Ingeniería, UNIMET
  3. Carlos A. Figueredo, Vicerrector Administrativo, UNIMET
  4. María Lourdes Acedo de Sucre, Secretario, Prof. Titular, Sociología, UNIMET
  5. Natalia Castañón, Prof. Titular, Didáctica, UNIMET
  6. Toms Eguren, Prof. Titular, Finanzas, UNIMET
  7. Lida Niño, Prof. Titular, Matemáticas, UNIMET
  8. Alicia Harrar de Dienes, Directora Escuela de Ing. Química, Prof. Titular, UNIMET
  9. Martha Elena Galavís, Prof. Titular, Física, UNIMET
  10. Cecilia Vicentini, Prof. Titular, Gerencia, UNIMET
  11. María Cristina Maldonado, Directora Escuela de Ing. Civil, Prof. Asociado, UNIMET
  12. Mary Carmen Lombao, Prof. Asociado, Recursos Humanos, UNIMET
  13. Ana Teresa Yepes, Decano de Estudiantes, Prof. Asociado, Ingeniería, UNIMET
  14. Alejandro Martucci, Director de Estudios de Postgrado, Prof. Asociado, Gerencia, UNIMET
  15. Elvira Navas, Prof. Asociado, Informática, UNIMET
  16. Silvia Villegas, Prof. Asociado, Matemáticas, UNIMET
  17. Giannina Olivieri, Prof. Asociado, Ciencias Sociales, UNIMET
  18. Eduardo Fagre, Prof. Asociado, Finanzas, UNIMET
  19. Amelia Tovar de Zarikian, Prof. Asociado, Educación, UNIMET
  20. Carlos Blank, Prof. Asociado, Filosofía, UNIMET
  21. María Elena Garassini, Prof. Asociado, Educación, UNIMET
  22. Ana Isabel González, Prof. Asociado, Didáctica, UNIMET
  23. Mireya Padrón, Prof. Asociado, Psicología, UNIMET
  24. Columba Gómez, Prof. Asociado, Psicología, UNIMET
  25. Renata Curci, Prof. Asociado, Química, UNIMET
  26. Milagros Pérez, Prof. Asociado, Sociología, UNIMET
  27. Helene Zaragoza, Prof. Asociado, Idiomas, UNIMET
  28. Regina Dandreamatteo, Prof. Asociado, Idiomas, UNIMET
  29. Susana Romagni, Prof. Asociado, Ingeniería de Sistemas, UNIMET
  30. Olga Galarraga, Prof. Agregado, Idiomas, UNIMET
  31. Judith Hernández, Prof. Agregado, Idiomas, UNIMET
  32. Clara González, Prof. Agregado, Idiomas, UNIMET
  33. Ana María Olalde, Prof. Agregado, Matemáticas, UNIMET
  34. María Margarita Gamboa, Prof. Agregado, Gerencia, UNIMET
  35. Silvia Solá, Prof. Agregado, Idiomas, UNIMET
  36. Zulay Rodríguez, Prof. Agregado, Administración, UNIMET
  37. Bernardo González, Prof. Agregado, Matemáticas, UNIMET
  38. Isabel Ochoa, Prof. Agregado, Informática, UNIMET
  39. Sabina Israeliantz, Prof. Agregado, Idiomas, UNIMET

Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB)

  1. Luis Ugalde, Rector, Prof. Titular, Historia, UCAB
  2. Francisco Javier Pérez, Miembro Correspondiente de la Academia Venezolana de la Lengua, Prof. Asociado, Literatura, UCAB
  3. Marcelino Bisbal, Prof. Titular, Comunicación Social, UCV-UCAB
  4. Demetrio Boersner, Prof. Titular, Relaciones Internacionales, UCAB
  5. Corina Yoris-Villasana, Directora de la Maestría en Filosofía, Prof. Titular UCAB
  6. Fernando Nuñez Noda, Prof. Titular, Comunicación Social, UCAB
  7. Mikel de Viana, Prof. Asociado, Sociología, UCAB
  8. Max Romer, Director Escuela Comunicación Social, Prof. Asociado, UCAB
  9. Caroline de Oteyza, Prof. Asociado, Directora del Centro de Investigación de la Comunicación, UCAB
  10. Jannabell Hernández, Directora de Cultura, Prof. Asociado, Educación, UCAB
  11. Ludwig Schmidt, Prof. Asociado, Centro de Estudios Religiosos, UCAB
  12. Rafael Baquedano, Prof. Asociado, Escuela de Comunicación Social, UCAB
  13. Luis Zambrano Sequin, Prof. Asociado, Economía, UCAB
  14. Luis de Diego, Prof. Asociado, Filosofía, UCAB
  15. Tiziana Polesel, Prof. Asociado, Comunicación Social, UCAB
  16. José Domínguez Ortega, Prof. Asociado, Derecho, UCAB
  17. María Elena Villegas, Prof. Escuela de Educación, UCAB
  18. Markel R. Méndez, Prof. Comunicación Social, UCAB
  19. Omar Picón, Prof. Agregado, Derecho, UCAB
  20. Marisabel Martínez, Prof. Agregado, Economía, UCAB
  21. Esteban Araujo, Prof. Agregado, Derecho, UCAB
  22. Francisco Monaldi, Prof. Agregado, Economía, UCAB
  23. Carlos F. Calatrava, Prof. Escuela de Educación, UCAB
  24. José Rafael Briceño, Prof. Comunicación Social, UCAB
  25. Yanira Hernandez, Prof. Asistente, Educación, UCAB
  26. José G. de Llano G., Prof. Asistente, Psicología, UCAB
  27. Ingrid Ochoa, Prof. Asistente, Relac. Industriales, UCAB
  28. Gabriel Francés M., Prof. Comunicación Social, UCAB
  29. Arturo Serrano, Prof. Centro Estudios Filosóficos, UCAB
  30. Yajaira Fernández Ávila, Prof. Economía de la Salud, UCAB

Universidad de los Andes (ULA)

  1. Miguel E. Alonso Amelot, Premio Fundación Polar, Prof. Titular, Química Bio-orgánica, ULA
  2. María Teresa Espar, Coordinadora Doctorado en Lingüística Prof. Titular, Lingüística, ULA
  3. Syed M. Wasim, Prof. Titular, Física, ULA
  4. América Rincón G., Prof. Titular, Química, ULA
  5. Marisela Bonett de Serra, Miembro Honoraria de la Asociación Californiana para la Educación Bilingüe C.A.B.E , Prof. Titular, Escuela de Idiomas ULA
  6. Jesús Serra, Miembro Correspondiente Regional de la Academia de Mérida Prof. Titular, ULA.
  7. Oscar Aguilera, Prof. Titular, Urbanismo, ULA
  8. Margarita Belandria, Prof. de Filosofía, ULA
  9. Alfredo Usubillaga, Prof. Titular, Farmacia, ULA
  10. Enrique Corao Febres, Prof. Titular, Química, ULA
  11. Nancy Khouri Ramos, Prof. Titular, Farmacia, ULA
  12. Luis Rodríguez Torres, Prof. Titular, Ingeniería, ULA
  13. Antonio Luis Cárdenas, Prof. Agregado, Ingeniería Industrial, ULA

Universidad del Zulia (LUZ)

  1. José Álvarez, Prof. Titular Jubilado, Lingüista, Investigador en el Área de Lenguas Indígenas Venezolanas, LUZ

Universidad Nacional Experimental Politécnica Antonio José de Sucre (UNEXPO)

  1. Miguel Vargas, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  2. Bernardo Hurtado, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  3. Emilio Carao, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  4. Hugo Rojas, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  5. Braulio Arteaga, Coordinador Ing. Industrial, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  6. Elías George, Jefe Dpto. Ing. Industrial, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  7. Rolando García, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  8. Nelson Escalona, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  9. Aixa de Bandes, Prof. Titular, UNEXPO
  10. Gonzalo Meléndez, Prof. Asociado, UNEXPO
  11. Vicenzo Iacinzanino, Prof. Asociado, UNEXPO
  12. Ilcry Navarro, Prof. Agregado, UNEXPO
  13. Juan Becerra, Prof. Asistente, UNEXPO
  14. Julio Goyo, Prof. Asistente, UNEXPO
  15. Raquel Centeno, Prof. Asistente, UNEXPO

Emerging debt-Brazil climbs on rosy financial data Reuters, 01.30.03, 12:33 PM ET By Susan Schneider

NEW YORK, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Brazilian sovereign bonds climbed nearly 1 percent on Thursday, lending support to the broader market, as a record primary budget surplus heightened investor confidence in the financial health of Latin America's largest economy. Brazil's share of J.P. Morgan's Emerging Market Bond Index Plus added 0.75 percent in terms of daily returns, underpinning a 0.19 percent gain in the broader index. Brazil's benchmark C bond <BRAZILC=RR> picked up 0.625 points to 68.375 bid. Brazil's bonds clawed their way back from a spate of negative days after the government reported a 2002 primary budget surplus of 52.4 billion reais ($14.7 billion), a figure that put the nation well ahead of its yearly International Monetary Fund target for the fourth time in a row. The surplus was 4.06 percent of gross domestic product. Brazil was also buoyed by expectations that Finance Minister Antonio Palocci will raise Brazil's 2003 primary fiscal surplus target from last year's goal of 3.75 percent. The move would fire investor confidence by further confirming rookie President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva is sincere about keeping public finances solid. "After the happiness of the election and the good things (Lula) said right after the election, it was time to follow through on some of the policies, and he's starting to do that," said an emerging debt trader. Uncertainty about a possible U.S.-led military strike on Iraq weighed on Brazil's debt and the broader market in recent sessions as investors fret an attack would batter an already tepid U.S. economy, which would in turn weigh heavily on Latin America. The war worries carved a chunk out of the rally Brazilian bonds saw at the turn of the year, when investors snapped up the debt on optimism for Lula's pledges to keep a tight rein on finances and pursue key structural reforms. Lula roiled markets for much of 2002 as Wall Street feared his inexperience in government and pledges to bolster social programs would lead to economic mismanagement and an eventual default on the debt. While investors have warmed to Lula, they are keeping a keen eye on his reform agenda, particularly a proposed overhaul of the costly pension system, said analysts. "From what we can see now, (the pension reform) appears to be much more significant than what we had seen from the former government," said Knut Langholm, a senior vice president at State Street Research and Management Co. "I think the market remains optimistic on that front, even though it will be subject to some controversy because it will create winners and losers," said Langholm. He added that without a meaningful reform, Brazil would need to maintain a primary surplus target of 5.5 percent of GDP or more. Venezuelan bonds, meanwhile, took a breather from two straight days of solid gains. The nation's share of the EMBI-Plus inched 0.75 percent lower, with the DCB bond <VENDCB=RR> slipping 0.5 points to 72.75 bid. Venezuelan debt made a fierce move higher this week as a two-month-old general strike, staged by foes of President Hugo Chavez in a bid to force his resignation or new elections, showed signs of weakening. With Chavez utilizing replacement workers and troops in an effort to break the strike, oil output has climbed in recent days, allaying fears that a sharp, protracted drop in the government's chief source of revenues would leave it without the cash to pay its debts. In addition to the partial oil output recovery, the resumption of normal hours by private banks and the reopening of some restaurants and stores have also signaled the strike's grip is losing hold. But while investors are hunting to pick up Venezuelan debt, the recent price jump means they are not too tempted to do any buying, said the emerging debt trader. "I think there is some latent demand -- there are still a lot of people who don't have Venezuela on their books and are going to need to buy it," said the trader. "They're looking for dips, and they're probably not going to get it unless there is significant bad news." Among other emerging nations, Peru launched a $500 million, 12-year global bond on Thursday morning, a sale that was set to price later in the session.

Crude output at 1.44 mln b/d - dissident PDVSA executives Posted: Thursday, January 30, 2003 - 1:01:53 PM By: PETROLEUMWORLD

Venezuela's crude oil output stood to 1.44 million barrels a day Wednesday, dissident Venezuela´s oil company PDVSA executives said in their daily report.

The operations in eastern part of the country produced 692,000 b/d is being produced. Another 300,000 b/d on top of the current 692,000 b/d could be produced in the east in the coming weeks, dissident PDVSA executives reported.

Western operations stood at 260,000 b/d while in the southern region, 92,000 b/d were being produced Wednesday, unchanged from Tuesday.

Refining activities remained unchanged from Tuesday. El Palito refinery which has a capacity of 120,000 b/d is producing 75,000 b/d, the report said. The Paraguana refinery complex which has a capacity of 940,000 b/d is at 80,000 b/d.The 200,000 b/d. The 200,000 b/d Puerto La Cruz refinery is produccing 75.000 mbd,The 200 mbd La Isla refinery in Curacao is producing 25,000 b/d, the report said.

Venezuela is in its 59th day of a civil disobedience nation wide general work stoppage that has hampered oil production and exports. The strike is aimed at forcing President Hugo Chavez to resign followed by early elections.

By Elio Ohep,; 58 412 9525301;

Petroleumworld News 30-01-03 1230 GMT

Economic warfare's new resistance Posted: Thursday, January 30, 2003 - 8:55:36 AM By: Matthew Riemer

International commentarist Matthew Riemer writes: This past Sunday, January 26, Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez greeted a reported 100,000 supporters at the third annual World Social Forum in Porto Alegre, Brazil; this year, the forum was appropriately titled "Life after Capitalism."

Such a title is appropriate because of the transformational throes and growing pains that world society and the global economy are now entering. As globalization's reach expands and its pace quickens, so too does the resistance and crisis. The events in Venezuela over the past year are the perfect example. They represent the new economic warfare formula whereby the masses of a country (typically overwhelmingly poor) and their leader resist international forces usually comprised of the World Bank/International Monetary Fund, multinationals, and incredibly wealthy private investors.

These "international forces" are represented locally by the regional elite: bankers, union heads, wealthy businessmen, and the upper-middle class. Their goal is to de-nationalize industry and replace it with privatization, thus making accessible to foreign investment the whole of a country's resources. These resources are then developed with foreign money using cheap domestic labor while the products are almost exclusively exported.

This results in the inherent wealth (resources, human potential) of a country being siphoned off to the international "market" while the native population reaps no reward from their country's own wealth or their own labor.

  • Such was the case in Argentina. Such is the case in Venezuela. And Brazil could be next.

Venezuela's biggest prize is the state-run (nationalized) oil company, PDVSA. The reasons why should be obvious: PDVSA is the country's largest company and employer; Venezuela is a member of OPEC, and the only one in the Western hemisphere at that; Venezuela is the world's fifth largest oil exporter and third largest to the United States; the oil industry accounts for a full third of the Venezuelan GDP.

Control of the PDVSA means not only incredible control of the fortunes of Venezuela but also control of the world oil market. A Venezuelan economy in the hands of the United States and their proxy financial institutions is crucial to the life of globalization as Washington, with its newfound doctrine of unprecedented militarism and unilateralism, continues to destabilize both the world economy and social fabric.

Recently, opposition forces staged a sleepover protest on a section of one of Caracas' highways. The claims that the opposition is solely made up of the pampered upper-middle class is certainly born out by the photos from the event: the scene looked like some kind of rock concert festival held in the United States or Europe where a sea of brightly colored tents, sleeping bags, and inflatable mattresses are all the eye can see. This in a country where about 75 percent of the population lives below the poverty line. Yet "the opposition" looked like they'd just visited their local REI or EMS outdoor retailer.

But Chavez is still holding tight. He survived the coup last April, even after temporarily being removed from power. Now, with the current work stoppage about to enter its third month next week, there are signs that the opposition is weakening and that Chavez will hold on for yet another round.

Such resistance should be quite indicative to globalizing forces of the human spirit's newfound resolve. One can only hope that the global elite, like so many times in the past, won't let their frustration get the better of them when subtler methods fail and resort to overt and bloody repression.

[Matthew Riemer has written for years about a myriad of topics, such as: philosophy, religion, psychology, culture, and politics. He studied Russian language and culture for five years and traveled in the former Soviet Union in 1990. In the midst of a larger autobiographical/cultural work, Matthew is the Director of Operations at He lives in the United States.] is an international news and opinion publication.  Matthew Riemer encourages your comments:

Venezuelan oil output stalls at 1 mln bpd-strikers Reuters, 01.30.03, 8:21 AM ET

CARACAS, Venezuela, Jan 30 (Reuters) - Striking Venezuelan oil workers said a recovery in oil output stalled on Thursday around 1 million barrels per day (bpd), or a third of pre-strike levels, while the government said it had risen to 1.4 million. The two sides are locked in a bitter battle for power over the world's fifth largest oil exporter, and have diverging estimates of activity levels at the country's oilfields, refineries and export terminals. Striking employees of state oil company Petroleos de Venezuela (PDVSA) said in a daily report that output stood at 1.055 million bpd on Thursday, almost unchanged since Tuesday when it first topped the million mark. Energy and Mines Minister Rafael Ramirez said on Wednesday night that it had risen to 1.427 million bpd, up from the 1.320 million bpd reported by Chavez Sunday. This compared with pre-strike levels of 3.1 million bpd in November. "We are in a process of constantly increasing our oil production," Ramirez said on Wednesday night. Ramirez put the current level of exports at 544,000 bpd. "We have a constant flow of exports which is important for the country's foreign currency income," he added. The government has fired more than 5,000 PDVSA employees and has been using troops and replacement crews to try to break the strike. It has consistently been providing higher output estimates than the opposition. But both sides report a marked recovery in production since it hit a low of 150,000 bpd in December.