Adamant: Hardest metal
Monday, June 9, 2003

Chavez administration has indeed destabilized itself by its own doing

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Tuesday, June 03, 2003 By: U Bode

Date: Tue, 3 Jun 2003 10:05:21 -0700 (PDT) From: U Bode To: Subject: Venezuela

Dear Editor: The Chavez administration has indeed destabilized itself by its own doing ... to say that it is a corrupt elite that has tried to destabilize Venezuela is an atrocity to say the least...

With regards to the request of the Miss Venezuela organization for US dollars, I would presume that they did not even bother asking for the money because they knew, it would have not been exchanged just as an act of political revenge ... it is not the first time that the Chavez administration washes its hands saying that everything is normal and that if the procedures are followed, the request would have been granted.

Examples of this behavior that common Venezuelan mortals have to suffer from the Chavez administration ... and not elite corrupts as the article suggest... are that several Venezuelan consulates and embassies were denying the right to change addresses in their offices maintaining that they lacked the forms (for more than 4 months) that allow Venezuelans to register in the electoral registry and vote from abroad.

  • Another delaying tactic of your so-called hero of the Venezuelans to avoid democratic dissolution of his autocracy.

Then, after many demands and denouncements in articles in the Venezuelan newspapers, the Consulates were forced to open their doors for electoral registrations ... not without before saying that the situation had always been normal, and that the forms were always available.

This is just a small example form my own experience ... there are thousands of other examples much worse than this, which prove that the Chavez administration is manipulating information, lying and then washing their hands in public.

Your reporter is hypnotized by the Chavez administration! He does not have a clue of what Venezuelans have to live day after day because nobody in a healthy state of mind would state facts in such a radical form pro-Chavez.

Sincerely, U. Bode

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