Adamant: Hardest metal
Friday, May 23, 2003

COMMUNITY UPDATES--Yvonne Febres-Cordero de Wright TV pioneer gets cultural award

Atlanta journal Constitution

Atlanta TV pioneer Yvonne Febres-Cordero de Wright, who began the Spanish language program "Viva Nuestra Amistad" ("Long Live Our Friendship") in 1968, is a 2003 recipient of the Governor's Award in the Humanities, given by the Georgia Humanities Council. The language and culture program ran until the mid-1970s and was used in schools to teach Spanish.

De Wright also hosted "Latin Atlanta," from 1977 to 1997. The community affairs program was on WAGA-TV and was rebroadcast on Atlanta Public Broadcasting.

"Latin Atlanta," which was in Spanish, oriented newcomers with "information about what was going on in the community," said de Wright, a native of Caracas, Venezuela. "It helped integrate the community with information about health, taxes, jobs and immigration."

De Wright is among eight individuals and three organizations honored Monday during a lunch ceremony at the Old Georgia Railroad Freight Depot in Atlanta.

The humanities council is an independent nonprofit organization. It supports educational activities that help Georgians learn about their heritage. For a list of the other recipients, go to

Poll: Immigrants anti-war

A multilingual poll of 1,000 immigrants found that they tended to be less supportive of the war in Iraq than the U.S. population as a whole and more concerned about negative repercussions around the world.

About 61 percent of Asians, 50 percent of Latinos and 44 percent of Middle Eastern immigrants supported the war, the poll said.

The poll, conducted by New California Media, turned up variations by nationality that underscore the danger of broad categories such as "Asian" or "Middle Eastern." Among Asians, for example, 85 percent of Vietnamese-Americans and 75 percent of Filipino-Americans supported the war, compared with 40 percent of Chinese-Americans and 48 percent of Indian-Americans. Results are online:

Contributing: Yolanda Rodríguez and Shelia M. Poole

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