Adamant: Hardest metal
Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Does Venezuela have weapons of mass destruction?

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Sunday, April 20, 2003 By: Anthony Romeo

Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 17:26:50 +0000 From: Anthony Romeo To: Subject: Such bias...

Dear Editor: Let me start off with a little background. I am an American citizen, born and raised in the US. My wife is from Venezuela. She left the country in the early 90s and is happy here in the US.

I see a lot of complaining on your website, about supposed atrocities the US has caused your country. I liken it to the Boston Red Sox fans who continually whine, "Yankees suck, Yankees suck," all the while their team, trying so HARD to beat the Yankees, falls into a sewer.

Worry about your own country's problems before blaming them on the US ... I know the history: Venezuela used to be doing quite well economically.

Although Venezuela has had problems with the constitution and Presidents/Dictators, I believe that it can once again be a prosperous country ... but is your country willing to do what it takes?

...or to just ignore the challenges at home and instead get in on the US bashing?

C'mon, you even have a poll asking if the US should interfere with Venezuela. Of course, the answer should be no ... but again that depends on circumstances.

Has Venezuela tried to take over another nation?

Has Venezuela needed to have weapons inspections after the war to liberate the victimized country?

Has Venezuela been in defiance of the UN laws?

Has Venezuela harbored terrorists?

Is Venezuela a violent (to its own citizens) dictatorship?

Does Venezuela have weapons of mass destruction?

If all these are true, then Venezuela is exactly like Iraq.

The people who whine that North Korea is a bigger threat, neglect to add the fact that NK has not tried to take over a country or had the UN step in to try both economic embargo and weapons inspections ... in fact, no other country has all these factors save Iraq!

Frankly, I'm a little surprised at the bias shown on this website. I'll continue to read it in the hopes that it might change, but I see a strenuously pro-Chaves/anti-US position.

To tell the truth, for me, the jury is still out on Chavez ... he may be trying to fix your country ... or to ruin it.

Either way, I support the US and unfounded allegations of "involvement in the coup" does not sit well with me.

Tony Romeo responds:  We don't really wish to burst your bubble, Tony, but the Venezuelan government already has conclusive evidence of US involvement in last year's 2-day coup against the democratically-elected government of President Hugo Chavez Frias.  Besides that, US officials were in on the pre-coup planning with rebels in the opposition and at least two US embassy liaison officers were buddy-buddy with the coupsters all the while.  US Black Hawk helicopters had already landed at Caracas (Simon Bolivar) international airport and, as we revealed in February last year, the CIA was up to its eyes in back-channel operations to attempt the assassination of President Chavez Frias.   We have no problem with the majority of decent USA citizens who would probably react with abject horror if the full facts were made known to them about the support that Washington has given to anti-democratic forces.  Not just now with regard to Venezuela ... there's a whole bunch of similar covert operations like in Chile, Nicaragua etc., etc.  While it's apparently "a al mode" (pardon my French) to crap all over anyone who disagrees with anything that Bush HQ dictates to the world, we would wish to point out that Venezuela is an independent sovereign state ... not enslaved to the United States of America or subject to any of its dictates.  And while we are about it, how about doing something about the terrorists the United States harbors in Florida and New York?  If we had some Middle East citizen in Venezuela calling publicly for the assassination of George W. Bush, what do you think the reaction would be?  Yet, factually, the USA has done nothing against anti-Venezuelan terrorists who have plotted the overthrow of the Caracas government and called for the assassination of the Venezuelan President ... the indisputable facts show that Washington in fact aided and abetted those terrorists and that continues its subversion of the democratically-elected government!  Is that the USA we should all love and respect?

Our editorial statement reads: Venezuela is a wholly independent e-publication promoting democracy in its fullest expression and the inalienable  right of all Venezuelans to self-determination and the pursuit of sovereign independence without interference. We seek to shed light on nefarious practices and the corruption which for decades has strangled this South American nation's development and progress. Our declared editorial bias is pro-democracy and pro-Venezuela ... which some may wrongly interpret as anti-American. --  Roy S. Carson, Editor/Publisher

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