Adamant: Hardest metal
Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Venezuelan Narcotics Control plan 2002-2007 needs 8.3 billion bolivares

<a>Venezuela's Electronic News Posted: Sunday, April 20, 2003 By: Patrick J. O'Donoghue

Venezuela's Anti-Drugs Office (Conacuid) says it needs 8.3 billion bolivares to carry through its narcotics control plan 2002-2007, revolving around eradication of poppy field cultivations and illegal trafficking and transshipment of drugs inside Venezuela. 

In a breakdown a Conacuid document outlines 46 projects and programs to help reduce supply and demand and push Venezuela into the international arena of the war on drugs. 

4.1 billion bolivares will go to cutting supply by seizures at road checkpoints, airports, seaports etc. and crop dusting organized by the Armed Force Unified Command (Cufan). 

3.2 billion will go towards cutting demand through prevention campaigns aimed at the family, and rehabilitation of addicts. 

684 million will help create the Venezuelan Narcotics Observatory (OVD) attached to Conacuid to collect, collate, analyze data for public use to help draw up policies and strategies to reduce supply and demand. 

Another 180 million will be used to increase international cooperation efforts, especially technical and financial assistance by multilateral organizations, as well as strengthening mechanisms of exchange of information and legal collaboration.

Our editorial statement reads: Venezuela is a wholly independent e-publication promoting democracy in its fullest expression and the inalienable  right of all Venezuelans to self-determination and the pursuit of sovereign independence without interference. We seek to shed light on nefarious practices and the corruption which for decades has strangled this South American nation's development and progress. Our declared editorial bias is pro-democracy and pro-Venezuela ... which some may wrongly interpret as anti-American. --  Roy S. Carson, Editor/Publisher

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