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Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Asunto: La respuesta de Nick Fraser

De: ProVeO Fecha: Mar, 22 de Abril de 2003, 3:47 pm Para: ProVeO Members

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Recibi esto de Nick Fraser, editor de Storyville. Me parece curioso que comente que hoy en dia no se puede hacer un documental sobre Venezuela que satisfaga a todas las partes y sin embargo la opinion de la mayor parte haya sido cruelmente obviada. Cordialmente,

Aleksander Boyd

Please forgive me if I answer your letter with what amounts to a round robin. We have received a number of letters regarding Hugo Chavez and the film we showed about him.

The first thing I should say is that CHAVEZ: INSIDE THE COUP was not a BBC News or Current Affairs production, and as such does not represent the views of the BBC. It was made by an independent company in Ireland. We bought the film for transmission in the United Kingdom. There are at present no plans to show it on BBC international networks. However, the film will be shown (or has been) by other broadcasters in Canada, and throughout the rest of Europe.

However, we do stand by the film. In our view it is an excellent piece of journalism. But it is necessary to remember that this is a film about the coup of April 11th last year. It is in fact about the filmmakers experience of the coup - it only describes the situation in Venezuela as a prelude to recounting hour by hour what happened in the palace. It does show just how antagonistic the private Venezuelan media remain towards the Chavez government. And it does also show that Chavez uses the media propagandistically for his own purposes. But it is not the last word about Chavez.

Having read the many emails sent to us - sometimes by people responding not to the film, but to my own comments about the film - I feel that it is more or less impossible these days to make a film about Venezuela that would satisfy all parties. But this was not the intention of the filmmakers - they wanted to make a film that would explain, as dramatically as possible, what it was like during the coup.

For your interest, here is a link to a piece about Venezuela and the media, by Nick Higham, a BBC media correspondent.

Yours sincerely,

Nick Fraser Commissioning Editor, Storyville

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