Adamant: Hardest metal
Saturday, April 5, 2003

"The ''Rogue Editor'' Continues to Produce Banned Material"

<a>Chron watch Posted by the ChronWatch Founder, Jim Sparkman Friday, April 04, 2003

      Somehow, the ''Rogue Editor'' at the Chronicle continues to slip banned material past the scrutiny of Chron editors, Mrs. Robert Scheer and Mr. Sharon Stone.  Admittedly, he has to place the  material in rather inconsequential spots in the paper, but nonetheless it represent a great accomplishment on his part.

Longtime Iraqi Dissident by Anna Badkhem        What's this? A Chron article that actually talks about the evils perpetrated by the anti-war protester's favorite dictator, Saddam Hussein.  Normally, that is of no interest to the protesters or, for that matter, to the Chron editors.

       Ahmed's face lit up with the big, warm smile he reserves for his wife when her spirit is low.  Soon, he reassured her, his struggle against the repressive rule will be over. The U.S.-led air strikes that have been shaking their house nightly are bound to end the dictatorship, he believes, finally setting the country free.

       But as they listened to American B-52 bombers rumble heavily over the rooftop of their rented house in the Kurdish haven in northern Iraq, Ahmed and Afrah knew: Like their family's awful memories, many scars will have to heal before Iraq becomes whole again.

       If nothing else, Ahmed will always have his eight children to remind him of the pain Iraq has endured during the 34 years of Baathist reign.

State Finds No fixing of Gasoline Prices by Verne Kopytoff        Verne writes an article that is anathema to the liberal line of Gray Davis and Barabara Boxer. It seems that a study commissioned by Davis himself shows that the recent increase in gasoline prices are the result of natural market forces. Shock and horror! This is a concept that is foreign to the Chronicle and these two liberal politicians.  For them, there is no law of supply and demand.  It never existed, despite what you were taught in Economics 101.  To these anti-business liberals, all price increases are the direct result of the actions of greedy corporations. What with the ''shock and awe'' pounding of the corporate world by the Chronicle and the liberal politicians, is it any wonder that California is dead last in the ratings of CEOs on business climate.

       An investigation ordered by Gov. Gray Davis into California's escalating gasoline, diesel, and natural-gas prices has found no evidence of illegal manipulation.

       Rather, the probe attributed the higher costs this year primarily to tensions over the war in Iraq, a strike in Venezuela, and an unusually cold winter on the East Coast.

       The conclusion, to be officially released today, is a setback for those who believe that the soaring gas prices and heating bills this year are due to collusion. But it is an obvious victory for the oil and natural-gas industries, which have maintained all along that market forces, not manipulation, were responsible.

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