Embassy bombers should be punished says MVR Tarek William Saab
www.vheadline.com Posted: Wednesday, February 26, 2003 By: Robert Rudnicki
Senior Movimiento Quinta Republica (MVR) deputy and National Assembly foreign policy committee member Tarek William Saab has condemned the bombings of the Spanish Embassy and Colombian Consulate as "despicable" and warned that the bombings will now probably be blamed on the government.
"Before investigations have been completed opposition spokesmen are already establishing links between the acts and and followers of the government."
Saab insisted the government is trying to promote a climate of peaceful co-existence and strongly denied that any government and in particular President Hugo Chavez Frias' would ever encourage these kinds of attacks, in spite of the mistakes it has made.
Vice President Jose Vicente Rangel also spoke out against the attacks "we reject any form of terror, either state or individual," and rejected any government links to the attacks.