Fernandez: Opposition set to rethink its strategy
www.vheadline.com Posted: Sunday, January 26, 2003 - 3:19:12 AM By: Robert Rudnicki
With the opposition work stoppage about to enter its eighth week, Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (Fedecamaras) president Carlos Fernandez said the opposition would rethink its strategy after February 2, the date it had hoped to hold a consultative referendum on President Hugo Chavez Frias' rule. The referendum was suspended last week following a Supreme Tribunal of Justice (TSJ) ruling that stated that all National Electoral College (CNE) decisions were to be declared void, because of concerns over CNE board member, Leopoldo Pizani's eligibility.
The opposition will now hold a symbolic referendum on February 2, and the next day its new strategy will commence. This new plan could include the suspension of the national work stoppage, "although the fight will continue ... we are negotiating and we will see if the conditions are right to end the strike."
Fernandez also said that a nationwide information campaign would be organized to let workers know how "how we can help them." the Fedecamaras chief also promised to assist all petroleum workers that have supported the stoppage, including those that have since been fired.
Meanwhile, Confederation of Trade Unions president Carlos Ortega said further meetings would be necessary to bring the crisis to an end, put that the population of Venezuela, particularly the military, had made in very clear that they want both sides to remain within the Constitution.